turbellarian worm how i can stop that massacre?

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May 15, 2005
my tank is running perfectly but i've find a frag with tubellarian worm
how i can stop the reproduction of this pests?
in first i had wash my frag with betadine then i had wash with tank water.
but the eggs was alwais on! what can i do?!

sorry for the mod if this 3D is not in the right place but i don't know so very well this forum...
bisck - I'm not sure which worms you are referring to? Are these the acropora eating flatworms?
yes it is. are flatworm, and this is the same eggs that i have.

P.S. sorry but my english is very ugly...
Don't worry about your English :). You are doing well, in my opinion.

Have you tried using a toothbrush to gently swipe away the eggs? Is that the flatworm on the bottom there in the picture? It might take diligent manual removal to get rid of those. Do you have a quarantine tank?
well i don't have a quarantine tank and this is not good.
i've tried to use the tootrhbrush but i haven't romove that is into scheletal just inside the corallite.
the picture is for an exemple of the same eggs that i have on.
i've tried with a little knife to remove and it was succes but how many probability i have to have infest all the tank with flatworm? at the moment are only one colony that rapresent big signs of flatworms.
another question: exist a product that i can eliminate flatworms without contra-indication
Those may be eggs from a polyclad flatworm. What you do not have are eggs from a Turbellarian. Got a pic of this worm ?
i don't have pic of this acro eating flatworms

NaH20 is the same problem that i have, the same tissute eat are iputable of this kind of flatworms i have.

the only trattaments that i know is a solution of betadine (2,5-3 ml por liter 15 min) than wash with tank water and asport the eggs manualy