turboflotr 1000 multi skimmer

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I bought a used one and I am happy with it, it seems to work well for a HOB. I have it in my bedroom and with a muffler on the venturi hose it is pretty much silent. The one thing that I don't like about it is that it is a little bulky, not large but it could have been designed with a smaller foot print off the back of the tank. If I were buying new I would also look at the Remora( also lof of these on the used market) and Coralife NW skimmer.

turboflotor 1000 multi

have liked mine...got it on sale for `$150 new and has worked well on my 55 and now on my 90. have used it both as HOB and now in sump.
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I had one for over a year on my 55. It worked great but it had a temper. It liked to flood every now and then. But was an awsome skimmer other than that.
This is what my TF removes on a weekly basis. I would remove the flow taps they are a pain and cause flooding if not adjusted properly.

Curious. Since you have it set up with a sump already, why didn't you use it in sump rather than hang on style. That would eliminate the flood worry.

SmellsFishy said:

Curious. Since you have it set up with a sump already, why didn't you use it in sump rather than hang on style. That would eliminate the flood worry.


I originally bought the TF when I was sumpless then when I made my sump I decided to make a small section with the excess LR I had and about 6" of sand so no room for the skimmer. Because of the overflowing problem I was having I bought a 5 gal tank to prevent any overflowing into my stand. Also by removing the flow taps the overflowing stopped.
I also second removing the flow taps. If you can run in-sump I highly recomend at least looking at a ASM skimmers for about the same price as the multi.
I've got a EuroReef, ASM and the Turbofloater. Both the EuroReef and the ASM skims circles around the Turbofloater. Darn near worthless in compairison.
Set-up properly the turbo floater is every bit as good as a comparably sized ER or ASM. Not as easy to get it working properly but once you get the hang of it they are fine.
