type of live rock?

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Well-known member
May 15, 2007
Hi, I've been lurking, and learning, reading and studying, trying to get ready to expand my 55 gallon salt water tank. I have nothing in it but 1 percula clown, which I've had for 5 years. I am taking my time, and learning everything I can, but I'm just about ready to start. One silly question, which type of live rock do you think looks best? I see the pictures of the Different kinds, but I figured I would ask you folks, since you actually own tanks, and obviously have experience. I've learned more just from reading your threads than I have reading books. Thanks!
I agree Tonga branch is cool although I've never tried any. Fiji rock is nice as well Then there is totoka live rock a member Steve had one time ago (wrightme43)! Very nice rock! Here's a link to it with some pics http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16343 In any event, as best you can, try and pick something you will really like because in the end, you will be the one looking at the tank the most. Good luck! :D.
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Here is where I got my Live Rock.....The customer service is great too.


I have the Tonga Eva rock. You must cure it yourself, but the rock is beautiful and you never really know what shapes and sizes you will get. Kind of like Christmas! Look through all the diff. types and judge for yourself. Have fun!

--Rich aka diverdick63
Thank you everybody! I'm changing stands, so I can fit a sump underneath, and I figured I would take this opportunity to get the rock, and start it all at once. I'm kind of petrified, but also very excited. My long term goal is to gradually, have tanks as beautiful as yours.
do a mix of 25lbs figi premium, 25 lbs marshall island and 15 to 20 lbs of tonga branch or maybe a tonga plate to bridge across from one pile to the other. I have about 80 to 90 lbs of the mix above and am very happy with both the amount, look and health of my tank.