Ummmm there's a blackhole in my tank

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i take a cup and poor it on my door mat everyday to those idiots who say we arent soliciting we wanna tell you about there religion...its still soliciting even if you dont ask for money right then....

ohno i realized i just inadvertantly bad mouthed your tank in my poor attempt at a joke about my buddy tring to ge t me to go bear bottom....your bow front looks nice just have a hard time enjoying a sandless reef... i understand the benefits but i dont like the reflection and I dont want to have that star board either...
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wow thanks for stating the obvious...yeah i havent retrieved anything...and to be techinical i got lots of rotting stuff right now...

Hey guy,
You said you have a "black hole"..

I must have miss-understood the question..

Did the fish and corals die from the power loss or, the black stuff after the power came on and you added water?

. """"".so now the water and the sand are turning black ... all the fish died two clowns, a tang, a six line and purple psuedo... question has anyone experienced a phenom like this before...."""
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Hey guy,
You said you have a "black hole"..

I must have miss-understood the question..

Did the fish and corals die from the power loss or, the black stuff after the power came on and you added water?

. """"".so now the water and the sand are turning black ... all the fish died two clowns, a tang, a six line and purple psuedo... question has anyone experienced a phenom like this before...."""

the black hole was a play on sarcasm... and the fish didn't die from the black it was a bi product of conditions...sorry I mispoke...I apologize....they died as a result of the power loss either through lack of flow, seems like 6 hours isn't to long, causing the water quality to became a issue, or something catastrophic. which I am leaning towards... I have realized the water issue I am having now is result in the rapid succession of all of the fish and inverts dieing off i wanna reach my arm in that toxic waste to retrieve what corlas i can tell are still alive uh no but i will....bad smelling and all...anyway the moral of the story... sleepo with one eye open or a two legged fish might bite you in your sleep
I agree sorry here too..
I came home a half a day early from my camping trip .. lucky I did I woke up to a loud, deep, growling, vibrating noise.. come to find out my return pump (iwaki 40rxlt) just stopped running and was locked up.. it was so hot (the metal housing) I burned my hand. I would say as hot as a glass coffee pot with freshly made coffee in it.

So yea I was lucky
I did have a closed loop and a K-4 turning the water but the tank water raised 3 degrees before I found it.
Will probably get flamed for this, but I do not see the humor in the killing off of the animals we pay for and commit to caring for. Accidents happen but if you find humor in the killing of a reef tank, maybe you are in the wrong hobby. Fish/corals do not die of a power failure unless it is long term.
Will probably get flamed for this, but I do not see the humor in the killing off of the animals we pay for and commit to caring for. Accidents happen but if you find humor in the killing of a reef tank, maybe you are in the wrong hobby. Fish/corals do not die of a power failure unless it is long term.

No flame and yes no humor in killing our charges. What we are doing is trying to lighten up on a VERY unpleasant unintended event. I am sure you would have to agree that he didn't aim to pollute his house with what were previously many hundreds of dollars worth of family pets. (RIP)

As for Adam and I, we enjoy teasing each other. Isn't it amazing how well we all get along, even with people like Adam?
Not offended, if my tank crashed, it would devastate me, all my fish and corals have personalities, once we tame (aka purchase) something, we are accountable for it forever. I guess rather than humor, I personally would spend all my time trying to save what ever I could, and then ask and figure out what happened. I will back out of this topic as it will not help jrock out to continue it. Hope he figures out what went wrong, but I do not think it was JUST a power failure, we have them all the time here with no ill effects. You just have to be prepared for them as they will always happen. Good Luck
if you have a rio pump anywhere in the system....i have seen many of these pumps burn up and leak the black grease and tar looking stuff rite into the system and completely kill the entire tank....just thought id put that out for thought
i welcome all holy gral and like you i used to get real upset when things first blue tang died after nealy too years... i almost shed a tear thinking bout "mister boo vein"...i loved that guy.... but int he yeas that have passed i have had many fish... some died some dissapeared some jumped to there death cause my dub ass likes a open top tank...its life thats how it goes..yes i spent money on this stuff but i also have recieved alot of free things that have lived a long time and some that bleached form the parameter changes o f the water from tank to this poiutn all themoney i have spent withthis experiemnt i cant do anything other than laugh...sure i am attached to it but its just stuff and you cant expect a confined enviroment species to last for ever...

so the water issue...yeah im not even gonna post the finding s of my tests last night... holy chit man off tha charts... i removed most all my rock and the few corals that were still alive to a 20 gallon tank i set up real quick.... i found made it found my sixline tang was pretty large and i think its either dead or hiding very well...gonna change out some water so i can see in it and figure out if any of my clean up crew lived..

.. I am leaning towards the reason for this tremendous loss is the two gen x pump that ceased to work are leaching somehting out of the seam were they are assembled its a wierd orangish almost jelly type stuff...kind of like a rust but he consistencey of it is wierd. they weren't hot at the time but looks like they may have got hot some distortion on the case...

besides i got into this tank as a never been before aquarists as an experiment to see if i was capable and how much interest it would garner from me and i consider this a win win... i learned things i will employ in my next aquarium which is on the shelf at my work and drilled 280 gallon aquarium...I already have a sump fo r it too... some things i learned from this tank are 10% water changes work for me and will continue to be style in the 6 week range...I started out changing alot of water regularly and found imo that i was changing to much water every three weeks and was experienceing far more death and dead loss then i did when i changed less water at a little longer interval... my levels were staying at a more consitent level when i stretched out tolonger and less water, than i was when i was change more more frequently ...i took away from that that i had great water movemnt and plenty of filteration...something else i will definately employ that i didnt on this monitoring, the monitoring has come along way from whhere it was at when i started in aquariums and its a vital tool that will allow me to avoid things like what happened...I will also stop dosing with calcium and just got to a reactor... far more effeicient and easier to control and the intial investment pays for it slef in a year...i alos experimented with different forms of tempature ocntrol during the warmer months on the next tank to go along with my controller will be a chiller...temp variations in the first few years killed me and some hard corals that i had...i wont mess around trying diffent experiments like running a ccoil in my pop machine that sits next to my tank inorder to keep tank temp down... worked but was very hard to control....i will alos use close loops in the next cant subsitute for a firm current...and it seemed to me during this tanks life cuycle that lots of movement from one or two locations was not as effective as when i changed to a lesser but more steady current through out the tank.... so in the end i learned alot, some things worked somethings didn't and for the last year or so i been considering starting my new build and will start working towards it ...for now i ma down sizing to a nano for my few corals that lived gonna put sme effort ninto my planted tank with some of my unused resources and start aquiring towards the next i didnt expect this tank to end this way but it did ....and even in the way it eneded i learned some things...never trust a syphon break...overflowbox's have therebenefits but also have some downfalls too...its learning thats how it works... so dont say your not gonna contribute to my thread cause you think yournot helping cause you are ... your passion for this hobby motivates me to work twoards my next accomplishment as a refe and thats setting up the will get set up and it will be a success just like this tank is and it didnt end the way i wnated it to but i have acepted it and turned the page and started a plan working towards my next goal as a refer...the 280, my planted fw tank and seeing if i can have a relitvely large nano thats successfultill my 280 is up and i have to decide where the 280 is going if i stay at the house i am in might go through bed room .. but might put it up front at my business since i am here 12 hours a day...or might mmove and find a nice home for it in a new house....timings is right so i guess it s just worked out that a wierd mid summer power outage pushed me to my next the way it went donw but thats life , ownt doenst kill you makes you stronger....there is one more thing...I love going to fish stores with cube tanks ...i love cube tanks....always have always will... towing withthe idea of a 6x6x3 ....thats my dream love a 3 foot depth...part of the reason i bought the 280 its three feet current black hole is 3 feet I am toying with the idea of selling my starfire 280 and building the rubicks i love a cube....oops already said that...did i mention i love a cube...anyway please dont hestitate to comment every lesson in life irs a learned experience and i learned planty in this one... on to the next challenge...i will post apic i took last night before dissaebling the rock work, not that you can see it, but its spooky looking...

ps sorry if my post is all over the place i been writing here and there as i help customers and get work done so sorry if its confusing, didn't spell check or proofread any of it...
jake over great add and yes i do two small rios one on my over flow and one that stirs up setiment off the bottom of my sump to get that crap in the water colum...and low and beholed the sump one in addtion to the gen x is fried and leaking something...
I agree sorry here too..
I came home a half a day early from my camping trip .. lucky I did I woke up to a loud, deep, growling, vibrating noise.. come to find out my return pump (iwaki 40rxlt) just stopped running and was locked up.. it was so hot (the metal housing) I burned my hand. I would say as hot as a glass coffee pot with freshly made coffee in it.

So yea I was lucky
I did have a closed loop and a K-4 turning the water but the tank water raised 3 degrees before I found it.

HA.....thats what you get for razing me dood.... take that...just kidding sorry that happened but glad you caught it...:)
Jrock, nice reply, obviously you have spent time and thought into you past and current adventures. Only thing I can add is in my opinion, the simpler your set up is and the less you mess with it, the less problems you have, but that is just what works for me. Good luck on your next build
i welcome all holy gral and like you i used to get real upset when things first blue tang died after nealy too years... i almost shed a tear thinking bout "mister boo vein"...i loved that guy.... but int he yeas that have passed i have had many fish... some died some dissapeared some jumped to there death cause my dub ass likes a open top tank...its life thats how it goes..yes i spent money on this stuff but i also have recieved alot of free things that have lived a long time and some that bleached form the parameter changes o f the water from tank to this poiutn all themoney i have spent withthis experiemnt i cant do anything other than laugh...sure i am attached to it but its just stuff and you cant expect a confined enviroment species to last for ever...

so the water issue...yeah im not even gonna post the finding s of my tests last night... holy chit man off tha charts... i removed most all my rock and the few corals that were still alive to a 20 gallon tank i set up real quick.... i found made it found my sixline tang was pretty large and i think its either dead or hiding very well...gonna change out some water so i can see in it and figure out if any of my clean up crew lived..

.. I am leaning towards the reason for this tremendous loss is the two gen x pump that ceased to work are leaching somehting out of the seam were they are assembled its a wierd orangish almost jelly type stuff...kind of like a rust but he consistencey of it is wierd. they weren't hot at the time but looks like they may have got hot some distortion on the case...

besides i got into this tank as a never been before aquarists as an experiment to see if i was capable and how much interest it would garner from me and i consider this a win win... i learned things i will employ in my next aquarium which is on the shelf at my work and drilled 280 gallon aquarium...I already have a sump fo r it too... some things i learned from this tank are 10% water changes work for me and will continue to be style in the 6 week range...I started out changing alot of water regularly and found imo that i was changing to much water every three weeks and was experienceing far more death and dead loss then i did when i changed less water at a little longer interval... my levels were staying at a more consitent level when i stretched out tolonger and less water, than i was when i was change more more frequently ...i took away from that that i had great water movemnt and plenty of filteration...something else i will definately employ that i didnt on this monitoring, the monitoring has come along way from whhere it was at when i started in aquariums and its a vital tool that will allow me to avoid things like what happened...I will also stop dosing with calcium and just got to a reactor... far more effeicient and easier to control and the intial investment pays for it slef in a year...i alos experimented with different forms of tempature ocntrol during the warmer months on the next tank to go along with my controller will be a chiller...temp variations in the first few years killed me and some hard corals that i had...i wont mess around trying diffent experiments like running a ccoil in my pop machine that sits next to my tank inorder to keep tank temp down... worked but was very hard to control....i will alos use close loops in the next cant subsitute for a firm current...and it seemed to me during this tanks life cuycle that lots of movement from one or two locations was not as effective as when i changed to a lesser but more steady current through out the tank.... so in the end i learned alot, some things worked somethings didn't and for the last year or so i been considering starting my new build and will start working towards it ...for now i ma down sizing to a nano for my few corals that lived gonna put sme effort ninto my planted tank with some of my unused resources and start aquiring towards the next i didnt expect this tank to end this way but it did ....and even in the way it eneded i learned some things...never trust a syphon break...overflowbox's have therebenefits but also have some downfalls too...its learning thats how it works... so dont say your not gonna contribute to my thread cause you think yournot helping cause you are ... your passion for this hobby motivates me to work twoards my next accomplishment as a refe and thats setting up the will get set up and it will be a success just like this tank is and it didnt end the way i wnated it to but i have acepted it and turned the page and started a plan working towards my next goal as a refer...the 280, my planted fw tank and seeing if i can have a relitvely large nano thats successfultill my 280 is up and i have to decide where the 280 is going if i stay at the house i am in might go through bed room .. but might put it up front at my business since i am here 12 hours a day...or might mmove and find a nice home for it in a new house....timings is right so i guess it s just worked out that a wierd mid summer power outage pushed me to my next the way it went donw but thats life , ownt doenst kill you makes you stronger....there is one more thing...I love going to fish stores with cube tanks ...i love cube tanks....always have always will... towing withthe idea of a 6x6x3 ....thats my dream love a 3 foot depth...part of the reason i bought the 280 its three feet current black hole is 3 feet I am toying with the idea of selling my starfire 280 and building the rubicks i love a cube....oops already said that...did i mention i love a cube...anyway please dont hestitate to comment every lesson in life irs a learned experience and i learned planty in this one... on to the next challenge...i will post apic i took last night before dissaebling the rock work, not that you can see it, but its spooky looking...

ps sorry if my post is all over the place i been writing here and there as i help customers and get work done so sorry if its confusing, didn't spell check or proofread any of it...

damn i should proofread it .... sorry everyone...
Jrock, nice reply, obviously you have spent time and thought into you past and current adventures. Only thing I can add is in my opinion, the simpler your set up is and the less you mess with it, the less problems you have, but that is just what works for me. Good luck on your next build

you know and thats how i tried to keep my current black hole... simple stuff.... it seems everytime i over complicated it thats when i had problems...that advice is the first i give everyone when they ask about getting into reef tanks....I say keep it simple and i also tell people everyone thinks its a lot fo work but the enjoyment you get out of it makes that time seem like nothing and actually when you get into it it doens requirre taht much time... i told people 1-2 hours a week .. and spread out over 7 days thats like 15 minute s a day...i got in to reefing scared i was gonna screw up and i did a few times but i learned....the other thing i tell epople , especially when i geive advice is... what works for me and what i am telling you is ad=advice it might not work aswell for you so find what works for your enviroment and make it work fo ryou.. i hink alot of people get truned off when people know it all them...they get intimidated...i avoid reefcentral anymore for a few people were just over the top..ref frontiers is more my speed....nice epople with a collective thinking process that helps many and educates even more... thats why i cam back with my balck hole... because just as many post that poke and make fun of me ... theres ten more post on here helping me diagnose determine and implement things to avaid... thats why i say and encourage you to post cause i unduobtedly will learn from you and any others on here... so thanks for your input its appreciated..
and yes you can feel free t p[oint and laugh when i podst up that sweet picture later....i deserve it...oh and i deserve a beer..its been a tough couple of days... i am sad about my first reef dying... dont twist my words as much as i jooke and make fun of my self i am sad this happened...:doubt:
dam, sorry to hear about your loss. I just went thru a 2 day power outage in silverdale (Bangor Sub Base) and lost a Scopas Tang, 6 Line Wrasse, Domino Damsel, Peppermint Shrimp and Sally Lightfoot. I was amazed that out of the 3 tanks I have that my 55G reef was the only one with casualties. They were immediatly replaced after everything came back online. I know how it feels....
yeah sucks but was there ever a reason for that two day outage... all i kept seeing on the news was the power is still out at bangor....hmmm wierd.... yeah in my experience the reefs are most sendsitive to changes....myfresh water fish could live in a water bottle for monthes if needed
We were told it was a transformer fire.... yea, something like that. Worst part is the other side of base got power back after 24hrs. Not us, we got ours back around the 48hr mark.
We were told it was a transformer fire.... yea, something like that. Worst part is the other side of base got power back after 24hrs. Not us, we got ours back around the 48hr mark.

I always keep an inverter and portable 12V battery handy. (spare car battery works great)
You never know when you will need to keep temp and circulation supported when city power crashes for some reason. If and when battery gets used up, can run off the car