Under-stairs fish rooms

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2007
Lewiston, Idaho
Does anyone on here have a fish room under their stairs?? If you do I would love to see them. I am planning on doing this with my new 300 semi-cube and am looking for someones layout that is already working.

I guess nobody has ever done this. Is your house a split level with the nice closet space under the stairs? Are you talking about just putting your sump there or your display tank?

Yeah it is a split-level. I would be looking at putting the sump and fuge in there to help hide the equipment. I don't like everything under the stand. Not much room to work with when it is a 48X48 cube.
I think it would be a great idea! So is the tank going to be in the downstairs on the other side of the wall?
Yeah it will be up against the wall the the stairs go up. I won't have a ton of room but alot better than under the stand. I will go take a pic of the room now so you have a better idea.
Yeah it will be up against the wall the the stairs go up. I won't have a ton of room but alot better than under the stand. I will go take a pic of the room now so you have a better idea.

OK I grew up in a split level so I have a pretty good idea of what you are talking about. I think it will work out very well because if you don't use it for something useful it will just get filled with junk at least ours did.

Yeah it is full of junk right now as you will see in the pics, if I get one posted. But I thought it would be nicer then climbing under the stand all the time.
I have a free account on photobucket.com it is a web site that will host your pictures then all you have to do is copy the link they make for your picture and paste it on here.
I have a photobucket account as well but just snapped a pic on my phone because I was too lazy to go find the camera. I will have to figure out how to post from my phone.
+1 on the photobucket. I'd like to see a picture so I can help out, it sounds like a really cool idea!

Also, if you need any help I end up going to Lewiston fairly frequently, just holler.
I have my fish room under my stairs I also have a split level home and it works out perfect for me besides not being able to stand up, everything is hidden and quiet as well as the garage being next to the room for easy water makeing and to plumb my chiller to the garage for heat and noise reasons
I will check to see if I have any pics

this is all I could find I will try to take more later If you walk/crawl into it the tank stis outside the room to the left the drain comes in and goes to the far end of the sump tank in the pic and the return pumps are in front of this pic where you cant see them you are more than welcome to come check it out if you want it is much easier to see in person and has changed a bunch sicnce these pics
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Andy, I was wondering when you were gonna chime in. For all of you who haven't seen his tank it's pretty awesome and he's got one of the coolest and fullest brain corals I have ever seen.