WOULD Citrus Gobies or six spot sleeper Gobies eat them? Other than MANDARINS? I could get all 3 species. Last night I found a brown starfish and it might be an asteria not sure yet, THEY MOVE FAST. and was the size of " that. Thanks for your help
Pods are great to have in your tank. However, if you do have Mandarins, make sure you don't have any other fish that will regularly eat pods. Otherwise, they'll out compete the slower eating Mandarins for the food source that the Mandarins require to live.
copepods are allways going to be in your tank they reproduction abbilities make bunnies look like sharks . copepods eat ditritus and algea they should be welcomed with opened arms not shunned . and mandarins are going to need plenty of copepods to survive. as for the citrus and sleeper goby, citrus will eat them sleepers .... i cant say, however most small fish will eat them
basically, they are part of the food chain that are beneficial in many ways. If you perform a search on any search engine on "copepods" "benefits", I'm sure you will find plenty of articles on this subject.
Be glad you have them; they are great to have in a tank.