Unknown Tang

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Dec 20, 2008
I was watching a documentary yesterday and saw a tang which i have never seen before.
The best description i can give is looked like from Acanthurus family, black (very dark colour anyway), blue rim through dorsal section and the spine near the tail was yellow.
Have tried countless searches on the net for this fish and cannot find it, has anyone seen this and if so do you have any info on it?
No to both,
i found it, i need to have one of these. Would "ALMOST" swap my idol for one.
What are these and are they in the aquarium trade???
Thats what i've heard but they seem alot diff in this pic, unless they change colour further into adult hood??
No to both,
i found it, i need to have one of these. Would "ALMOST" swap my idol for one.
What are these and are they in the aquarium trade???

These magnificent schooling grazers are plentiful in the sea of cortez, and Latin american Pacific. I have dived among them many times. Not sure they are ever collected as they get HUGE. Not really an aquarium fish, even if you have a 20,000 gallon aquarium.
April 26, 2008
Atlantic blue tang surgeonfish [Acanthurus coeruleus]
Posted by Sami Salmenkivi under Blue, Caribbean sea, Colorful ovals, Surgeonfish | Tags: Honduras, Roatan |
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Acanthurus coeruleus also known as the Atlantic blue tang surgeonfish (or the blue tang for short) is a surgeonfish found commonly in the atlantic ocean

Although the body of the fish can vary in shaded from light to dark blue, both the dorsal fin and the anal fin are covered in bright blue on their edges. Their colors change during growth from a yellow juvenile and the blue adult phase.

Acanthurus coeruleus is common off of Florida, the Bahamas, and other places in the Caribbean sea. It is also common in the Gulf of Mexico. they are found south to Brazil and north to New York and eat krill. (text source: wikipedia)
hey ricko try this web site FreshMarine.com

Atlantic Blue Tang - Acanthurus coeruleus - Blue Tang
Click to Enlarge

Aquarium Suitability :
Care Level :
Behavior :
Minimum Tank Size :
75 Gallon
Maximum Size :
9.1 inches
Reef Compatibility :
Diet :
Herbivore, Greens, Pellet, Flake
Origin :
Family :
Purchase Size :
Small 2" - 3"
Medium 3" - 4"
Large 5" - 6"
Regular Price :
Sale Price :
$25.98 2/$52.99
You Save :
$4.01 (13.37%)
Stock Code :
Size Available :

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Product Description Top
Atlantic Blue Tang Description
Product Description Bottom

The Atlantic Blue Tang, also known as the Blue Caribbean Tang, Blue Tang Surgeonfish, and simply the Blue Tang, has an oval body with bold markings that change as the fish matures from juvenile to adult. A juvenile is bright yellow with two blue bands at the eyes, and additional blue markings at the fringes of the dorsal and fins. When mature, the blue will become even brighter with markings running horizontally along the entire body. It may have a yellow tail.

Atlantic Blue Tang requires a larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room. It is aggressive towards other Tangs and Surgeonfish, but peaceful with other fish.

The Atlantic Blue Tang diet should consist of algae and vegetarian items such as Spirulina, zucchini, broccoli, leaf lettuce, and dried seaweed.

The Atlantic blue tang is highly sensitive to damage from even minor ammonia levels and poor water quality. It is a fish that is difficult to capture without damaging them. The Achilles' skin is tender and easily scratched or marked. Its skin will show marks from any type of net, even a so called "soft" net

Maximum Size: This species grows to 8 inches in length.

General Size: This Atlantic blue Tang is about five to eight inches in length.

Minimum Tank Size Suggested: A 100 gallon or larger aquarium provides a good environment for these Atlantic blue Tang.

Tank Conditions: The Atlantic blue Tang should ideally be kept in temperatures between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. A pH value of 8.1 or 8.4, and a specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.025 should be maintained. When kept with invertebrates, the specific gravity range should be 1.020 to 1.025, for the invertebrate species. In a fish only aquarium, the specific gravity should fall between 1.020 and 1.023.

Habitat: The Atlantic blue Tang occurs in Hawaiian waters, but the distribution of this species extends from Hawaii southward to central Polynesia and westward through Micronesia and Melanesia, but it apparently does not extend to the Philippine Islands, the East Indies, and the Indian Ocean.

Feeding and Diet: The Atlantic blue Tang fish is a herbivore. Its main diet consists of marine algae, having an unusually long digestive tract to digest the plant matter they eat. They are constant feeders and in nature spend most of their day grazing. A habitat with algae growth is good for them, which in turn helps to keep the algae in an aquarium cropped and in check.

You are currently viewing Atlantic Blue Tang - Acanthurus coeruleus - Blue Tang
Don't know that I'd recommend a website that suggests putting that type of tang in a 75 gallon aquarium. Gotta love these sites that "seemingly" give such great advise and then blow it with their tank size recommendations. Makes me question all the other advise they've handed out...lol.
I just want him to see what it was
it says 100gallons or more lol I understand what you mean
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Fair enough, plus i can't find at the mo anyone who has them/imports them in Oz.
Also, on the odd chance i got one, would there be trouble adding it to a 190 with moorish,regal and yellow tang?
Atlantic Tang.

Hi Ricko I have to Agree with Adam It is a Atlantic Tang. I have on I started it in a 75 gallon tank while it was a juvenile, They are all yellow when babys
mine was 1 1/2" long when I got it they sure have a nice outline and mine is quite clumsy I had to remove him from my sps tank as he would tear up the tank so much I have had him since the fall of 2005 here is some shots of him
Peacefull when full grown..Jeff

No to both,
i found it, i need to have one of these. Would "ALMOST" swap my idol for one.
What are these and are they in the aquarium trade???
Don't know that I'd recommend a website that suggests putting that type of tang in a 75 gallon aquarium. Gotta love these sites that "seemingly" give such great advise and then blow it with their tank size recommendations. Makes me question all the other advise they've handed out...lol.

I agree. And the maximum size was BS too. I have swam amongst specimens of a large school that were over a foot. MAGNIFICENT, but huge. Food fish size