Update: old 55 gal to new 97 gal....

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2006
los angele, california
thanks for all your input for the upgrade. I got the rubbermaid bins from Home Depot and started the transfer... I took all your advices and now here is a pic of the new tank..thanks for your help(s) and advice...it gave me the confidence to tackle the project
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u guys were right

tangs do need a bigger tank. my new naso is doing so well - no ich at all. no stress...even the yellow tang is leaving him alone. this larger tank was well worth it. Anyone out there want to raise coral and tangs...get the 100 gal min....there is a difference. my old 55 is sitting on the floor now empty and it has taken a few tangs, naso and PB (my fault); let this be a lesson for all who is thinking of setting up the tank for the first time...go big from the beginning if funds allow. I saved up for 6months and it was well worth it. If I stand very close to the tank I can imagine I'm snorkling without getting wet...hehehe..thanks everyone.
I agree with your advice about going bigger from the start...I thought the LFS was just trying to make more money off me when they suggested that (DOH! :oops: )

Now I'm starting the upgrade process myself after only 5 weeks in a 40 gallon...
It looks very pretty. How many lbs of live rock are you using?

I am going to try and find your previous thread about your move, to read all the advice you were given. I keep wondering about how best to do things....like

1. water
2. salt
3. sand
4. LR


1. sand
2. water
3. salt
4. LR

Tank looks really good :D

The only thing that i would keep an eye out for would be that those tangs might grow even the 100gal out sooner than you think ;)

out grow

you are right...now into a month in the new tank..the hippo/pallet tang has grown another 1/4 of an inch...WOW..!!!! the Yellow looks a bit bigger too.

As for how I moved it>>>
Prepare enough water to fill the new tank before you start the move. I used almost all the original water from my smaller tank.

1) Buy rubbermade containers(RMC) from HomeDepot - Grey 18 gals capacity is the ones I bought.-- the bigger ones were too difficult to move once filled - I bought 6 containers.
2) Clean them well and let dry before use.
3) I filled the fish tank water in the Rubbermaid containers. As much as I can get out without putting the corals high and dry.
4) Carefully pulled out the coral - make sure water temp is equal - and placed them in the Rubbermaid cont. with water from the tank.
5) Then I placed live rock on another container (this was a black plastic container used to mix cement, you can buy this at HomeDepot as well, it is about 6 inches tall and 2ft by 3 ft. without water...this way I was able to get all the pests out..they all crawled out to the bottom. Rocks were kept moist with a prepared spraybottle (water from the tank)
5) More and most of the water was siphoned out. With water only 4 inch deep, Fish were easy to catch and placed in the rubbermaid container that only had water from the fish tank.
6) I used the childrens beach plastic shovel to take the crush coral sand out. I also used the kid's beach plastic bucket to transport the sand. All tools were carefully cleaned and prepared before use.
7) Several other RMC were also filled with water - this was the extra water to be placed in the new larger tank. It was measured and let it mature for a days before I was ready to put into the new tank. Ph, Cal, NO2, NO3, Salinity were all checked.
8) Once all the sand was out - I pulled out the old plumbing and pulled out the old smaller tank.
9) Bigger tank was place on the stand (same foot print: I did reinforce the stand with wood). The plumbing was connected then I used some old water to test for leaks.
10) I placed the sand in the new tank.
11) filled it with old water as much as I can - except the one with the fishes..that went in last
11) Placed my live rock in the new tank..found huge bristle worms that crawled out. size of a grown man's index finger WOW...
12) filled the new tank with old water and some new water and ran my new system. This helped to cycle the system and make adjustments and helped clean the water from debris.
13) after an hour the system was stabilized and temp normal with almost clear water then I carefully placed the live rock then coral.
13) To lessen the stress on the fish..I placed them in last...