updated pics of my tank

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wow, love the green acro in the back there, as well as the monti cap with the purple tips - that is a whole lot of purple on those edges!

How long have you had your achilles? He is one of my favorite fish, but I am not ready for him yet.

Even with the troubles you've had lately I wish I had a tank that looked that nice.

Keep it up Charlie, I look to you as my mentor

WOW! Charlie that thing is looking great. I love the clams, sps, and all of it!
If I ever get to Montana i've got to stop by your place. :)

That looks fantastic, (as i'm just starting out with my own) photo's like these are good inspiration
Those look awesome Charlie...
That is one fat happy green chromis....that thing looks almost as big as the purple tang!

That is also the fish "most likely to find the porcelain god". I thought some clownfish were rude, but this guy takes the cake. When I put the bluejaw trigger in there, I thought he was gonna kill him. I just missed it with the net that nite during feeding:mad:. Since then, he has mellowed a bit, but he still attacks me whenever I go to dinking around in there.
lookin great Charlie! Gotta love those clams! Where's the updated pics of Willis now. We all know he's the brains of the operation ;)