Upgrade pump return ?

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
Vancouver, Washington
Ok so I have a jbj nano cube hqi, with two 260 gph return pumps in The over flow. I was told that for each elbow or bend in The hose decreases the flow by 15% well there is two on each return, so that means in all reality they are pumping about 185 gph. I want more. Lol. I've looked online for mods, or diy projects, but all everyone does is buy upgraded hoods for the tank, I want diy upgrades. As well as maybe finding an upgrade for the pump returns...... Anyone have any suggestion or an idea of what I'm talking about?

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Not sure if you would lose that much flow Josh especially with the pump sitting literally inches below the outputs (being in the back compartment). I'm sure JBJ took account for the bends when designing the tank so that the pumps don't exceed the overflows capabilities. Too close to max flow they can handle and all it would take is a single obstruction in the overflow and you drain the back compartment. Usually when you hear about each 90 degree bend reducing flow, it is usually associated with tanks running bigger pumps on a closed loop setup where you have more head loss, bends etc. Simplest solution is to just put a more powerful powerhead in the tank if you want more flow. :)

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Ok what you say makes sense, but the pumps are not very big my friend. Probably as big as your iphone folded into a square. He he he. And its like two 90 degree bends. The distance is about 12 inches. But these are just my noob concerns, I'm sure it will be fine. And as I progress into the hobby I Well gain a better understand in The relationship of equipment to tanks. ? Do you know of a site in which its like a saltwater know all about equipment? I keep researching online. But everything keeps ending back to basic. Chem, Bio, mech. Filtration. Water parameters. Nothing really on creating a awesome aquascape, or environment.

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