Upside Down Anemone

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Oct 15, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
I recently purchased and Anemone from by LFS. The only name they have for it is a "White Anemone". It appears to be a White Sepea. It will stay anchored for several hours then float around. It keeps turning upside down at the bottom of the tank. Any suggestions.:(
Welcome to RF "NeeNee"!:) I'm not at all familiar with the anemone you purchased, but by what you are describing is happening, doesn't sound too good :doubt: What are you water parameters like? (Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate etc ) and how long has the tank been up and running? Quite possibly water conditons may not be suited for the anemone right now or you just got a sick one etc. Also, how was it acclimated? That too can cause a bit of stress if not acclimated properly...I'm just tossing out a few ideas and questions here because typically something floating around like that isn't a good thing. Hopefully he comes around for you:)
I have a suggestion that works with most anenomes you have to make a hole in the sand to the bottom of the tank then stick the anenome in the hole and put the sand over it's foot and just leave it alone.
PH = 8.2
LR Amonia = .25
Nitrite = 0
LR Nitrate = 0
KH 12+ dKH
Phosphate 0
Spec Gravity = 1.023

Tank has been up about 8 years but was dormate for the past year. Other anemone, feather dusters, tube anemone, 2 clowns and 1 royal tang are doing fine.
Any amonia is a stressfull thing, if you've had your tank for 8 years, how old are your test kits?
Sebae anemone's are not white naturally, the one you have is bleached. It will be rather difficult to acclimate over the next short while but it needs plenty of TLC and as little handling by you as possible. It will be severely streseds and very under nourished. Light feedings twice a week with raw minced meaty seafood items will be necessary. Soaking the foods in a liquid vitamin and HUFA additive before hand will be a plus.

If it's failing to attach permanently, either the flow is not right or it's the light. Those are your two major concerns in most cases. Too much flow or too much/not enough light.

How is your tank set up for flow and lighting?
What fish other inverts do you have?
Test kit and chemicals are new. I replaced all of them about 2 weeks ago. Flow in the tank is very good. Lights are not but 2 to 3 watts per gallon. I have halid's ordered. We can't get them locally so we had to order. The only other things in the tank besides the 2 anemones are 2 feather dusters, 1 tube anemone, 2 clowns and 1 royal tang.
I had a bubble tip anenome that would climb up to the top of my rock and let go, blowing around in the tank. It stopped doing this once I started feeding Mysis shrimp regularly. I started with small daily feedings then slowly weened it back to a feeding every couple weeks once appearance improved.
Flow in the tank is very good. Lights are not but 2 to 3 watts per gallon.
Unfortunatley this kind of answer reveals little usable information. If you could actually list what type of lights, what wattage for each bulb, kelvin and depth of tank along with the actual water flow in the tank it would help us help you. Be as specific in this (all) the answers you provide ;)
Sorry. My husband tanks care of that part of it so I didn't realize it was not enough information. :confused: Water flow is about 300 gallons per hour with a Gen-X 40 and a Reef Devil on order. Lights are currently 2 48" 40 watt marine glow actinc's & 2 48" 40 watt power glows. They don't have the kelvins listed. They are generic LFS lights. This was originally a fish tank. We are swapping over to 4 48" actinc's and 12K full spectrum MH. If you need any other info please let me know.
What size is the tank? With 48 inch light strips, I would assume the tank is 48inches long and with that being said even the smallest tank at 48 inches long, 300 gph is not enough flow IMO. That's assuming 300 gph is all the flow you have and the tank is 48 inches long...:)
Tank is approximately 48 inches long, 20 inches high and 13 inches front to back. 300 gph is the flow at this time. We know that is low. We have ordered a Gen-X pump and Reef Devil protein skimmer to increase flow and water quality.
Might want to check on the GenX you've said is on there. The 40 puts out about 1000-1150 GPH depending on head height, elbows and such. Unless your restricting it a lot, it's much much higher than 300 GPH. On a 55, it would not be too much flow. It depends on how it's utilized.

Is the flow exiting the return from one two or more pipes?
How are these pipes directed?

How long before those new lights are available?
I recently purchased and Anemone from by LFS. The only name they have for it is a "White Anemone". It appears to be a White Sepea. It will stay anchored for several hours then float around. It keeps turning upside down at the bottom of the tank. Any suggestions.:(

It might not be a Sebae. I brought home a white anemone (with a pink foot) which I had trouble identifying at first--until it finally settled down and started eating--then it started to show bubble tips on its tentacles! You might have a Quadricolor.
I will have to check with my husband when he gets home on the Gen-X and when the lights are avaliable. I do know he is planning to add a refugim (I don't think I spelled that correctly) in the next few days.
A refugiums a great addition no matter the reason but it will not help with the anemone. Follow up with the lights/water flow and go from there.

bripen makes a good observation about the species ID. Post a pic if you can. There are many possibilities. Suffice it to say though it's color is not supposed to be white.

I talk to my husband. He said that he went with the GenX due to a 6 foot lift because the reef devil has to go in a cabinet above the aquarium. He hasn't worked out redoing the pipes. Probably 2. He does intend to bypass some of the flow before the skimmer to the tank in order to control the water level in the skimmer. The refugium is a 30 gallon food grade plastic drum. The halid's should be tomorrow or Thursday.