Upside down ricordia?

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2005
okay so i recnetly got a small ricordiathat was attached to a really small piece of rock. over night the ric detached.. i didnt have very much time so i just put it into a small tupperware cup with soem sand and a rock and i left for school. that was sunday evening. so today my little sister describedto me the ric and i think it is upside down mouth first into the sand. will he be okay for another 4 days? upside down? its a really small guy about twice the diameter oft hese smile's :eek2: will it be okay do ug usy think or should i have her turn it over... my parents are too.. blah to touch my tank.. and i dont really want my little sister... espeiclaly if the ric gets out of hte cup it could be lost forever.. AHHwhat to do=(
Well you really dont want the ric sitting on his topside for an extended amount of time (days). The only thing I can reccomend is have your sister take it out of the bowl and let it roam the tank, or try to place the ricordia somewhere on the sandbed where it will not get blown away. It really takes some personal attention. I have had many ricordia disappear this way. And I have even found some weeks later. And a small turkey baster of sorts would be best to manipulate the ricordia off its top and around the tank.

Good Luck
well i have a nice rbta in the tank.. so i dont thinki reallly want that to happen as well as alot of stuff and ive heard rics pack a powerful punch if htey land on other things=/ sigh. i think im jsut goin got let it be for this week adn hoepfully friday we can flip it around... i dont want my little sister to move it and risking losing it completely... idunno.. we will see how it goes=/