URGENT! Question with Fed Ex Ship Delay

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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2004
I am curious as to how long can a coral or should I say a Maxi Carpet Anemone can survive if Fed Ex Express has to delay the shipment by a day?

The shipment left Florida yesterday at 7:19 pm and arrived here in Seattle today but due to some stupid "mechanical error" according to Fed Ex, the package is being delayed until tomorrow. And I cannot pick up the package at Fed Ex until tomorrow at 9 am or they will deliver by 10:30 am. I just found this out about 10 minutes ago, otherwise I would be done there at the Fed Ex door banging away.

Shipment does have a heat pack in it and styro.

How likely is it that the nem will perish? Argrh!! :confused: Anyone else ever have this type of problem?

As long as they used the typical 40hr heat pack you should be fine. That is unless the anemone goes to the bathroom in the bag. Then its a crap shoot (no pun intended). I'm surprised you can't pick it up at the depot after the truck its on returns? I've done this on personal items before. Usually with a live animal they are super accomodating.
Thanks Cy.

I was suprised too, that Fed Ex said tomorrow at 9 am is the earliest I could pick it up.

From what it sounds like is it never even made it onto the truck today, as the plane landed in Seattle at 12:37 pm today. The package hasn't made it's way to the local Fed Ex facility yet. I did mention to the Fed Ex rep that it was a live coral and he did everything and talked with anyone at the local offices to try and track the package down. They even put in the system to have it delivered by 10:30 am tomorrow.

Just worried about loosing a nem for no reason.

Happy Holidays,
Just talked with the place that I purchased it from and found they did infact use a 40hr heat pack and they did mark perishable all over the package.

Guess it's a wait and hope for the best senario.
I had that happen a few years ago. FedEx lost every coral that i owned. I moved and a fellow reefer was going to send me all my corals a few days later after i got moved and got my tank set up. I kept checking the FedEx website because it didn't show up for 2 days. I finally called and they told me that the package was damaged and couldn't be shipped. I work at UPS so i know that the Air's are late here sometimes because of fog or bad weather, but we always get the packages out later that day . It sounds fishy that you couldn't pick it up at the Hub later on in the day after it arrived
Yes, It does seem a little fishy, but I have to remember that Fed Ex did say the package, as off 3 pm today, was in route to the facility that delivers to my area. I think that is why it wouldn't be available to pick up until tomorrow morning at 9 am. Fed Ex did say that they will deliver it to me by 10:30 am at no additional charge, and Fed Ex man usually delivers to my area around 10 am.

Cheers and happy holidays,
Holidays are bad for shipping with all the extra packages. Should be fine, FedEx should also back thier delivery times if there is a problem. Have a camera handy, don't open until you get home or what heat is left will escape, unless FedEx wants you to open for insurance purposes.
Yea, I would just strongly advise not shipping corals during the holidays. I would probably just avoid December shipping all together.
Yep, Now I know, do not purchase corals and have them shipped in December. Or better yet, next time I may just forgo ordering between Thanksgiving and New Years just to be safe. :D
I would call fed ex again. There is no reason that this can't be picked up. I had them tell me that before then I called again and they told me to be at fed ex at 6p....might be worth a shot. Inform them that it is alive and wont survive the night.

Sorry, I just realized this wasn't posted today. I hope you received it.
Thanks for the assist. Received the little nem this morning.

Didn't look to well, but still has color so I am very hopeful. I took a bit of time acclimating it for the temperature due to the fact that the heat pack was almost done and the water temp in the bag was cold! Stupid Fed Ex and the holidays. Oh well at least my driver who knows me was very apologetic.

We shall wait and see. Seller already said she'd send out another one if this one does not make it.
glad to hear you are getting a resolution. Let's just hope this one pulls through so there is no need to ship another.
Just for informative purposes... Fedex does back their delivery times but they will only reimburse you for the shipping costs. They do not take responsibility for dead animals. Its in their fine print and we've walked through this scenario with them just to make sure we understand all their policies. Hope your little guy makes it!
Thanks Cy.

Yes the seller had mentioned that Fed Ex would only reimbure the shipping costs and not the actual loss. I am hopeful the little nem pulls through.

As of right now the nem has opened up a little bit more and looks to be getting some more color back. Lights are out in the tank and I can see the yellowish/pink glow from the nem.