Using "GFO" or not?

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2008
Kirkland, WA
How many of you guys out there run GFO in your sps tanks. I currently run carbon but have never tried running GFO. Just trying to figure out the advantages of running GFO and if I should look into running one or not. I currently have a ten gallon fuge with Chaeto on a 75 gallon sps tank.

I could put the GFO inside my carbon reactor and run it together.
From what I understand, GFO and carbon shouldn't be run together. The carbon will exhaust and need to be replaced more quickly than the GFO so it's better to run them separately. I run GFO in a TLF reactor and I don't have any complaints about it, no algae to speak of in my tank.
I quit using gfo in favor of lanthanum chloride. I like it much better and of course the money savings is a plus.

So I did some googling and it does say that the people at Atlantis use it to lower phosphates by dripping it into their skimmer since it binds with phosphate and turns into a solid for quick removal. My question is how do you use it Don? How much do you dose? Where do you get it? How often do you run it (24/7 or only when needed)? Thanks,
My tank is only 55g so 1ml mixed in 200ml rodiwater. Drip into overflow with a 25micron sock or into skimmer intake. You will see the skimmer foam turn to a yellow funk. This is the P precip. I only use in once a week but use it in all my WC water prior to use. IO has to much P.

From what I understand, GFO and carbon shouldn't be run together. The carbon will exhaust and need to be replaced more quickly than the GFO so it's better to run them separately. I run GFO in a TLF reactor and I don't have any complaints about it, no algae to speak of in my tank.

I don't have any algae problems. i was wondering if running GFO will help with anything else such as high nutrients or is it just used for algae problems. trying to figure out the benefits of it and if I should start using it.
I started using GFO when I had a few little spots of hair algae turning up. It killed the algae in about 3 days and my Phos. is undetecable now.
My tank is only 55g so 1ml mixed in 200ml rodiwater. Drip into overflow with a 25micron sock or into skimmer intake. You will see the skimmer foam turn to a yellow funk. This is the P precip. I only use in once a week but use it in all my WC water prior to use. IO has to much P.

Awesome sounds like a much better solution than running gfo. Thanks for the tip!
Don what do you think about using clams as a natural phosphate remover? I plan on having 3 differnt type of fuges to naturally take care of nutrients. I want to naturally export as much nutrients as possible without using to much chemicals. I am planning a cheato/calurpa, Clam and xenia fuge all to export nutirents. I figure the Clams absorb lots of phosphate and the xenia and cheato will absorb all or most of the nitrates. They will all have their own seperate tanks and the flow through will be matched to each ones needs. So do you think this will work?
I can't find it at the moment but I had a study on that subject. IIRC you would need equal clams and water to make a difference in nitrates. Like 100lbs clams to 100 g of water. Pm Chris and Barb I'm sure they will have the same study handy.

Yeah I plan to have a dedicated shallow tank just for the clams. I don't know how many pounds but I'm sure the collection numbers will get up there in the next couple of years.
Put it this way a 17" gigas only weight 2 or 3 pounds at very most and that may be pushing it.

OH OK I guess that idea I have would only have a minor effect on nutrients:(. I figured if I can acheive above par water quality using natural resources to take care of nutrients it would be cheaper to maintain the system that way in the long run. Rather having to buy, replace and maintain equipment to run the chemicals all the time. I'll have to do some more digging on this matter.