Using invertebrates to test???

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Reef Newbie (SOS PLEASE!)
Jul 9, 2009
Beaverton, OR
So I'm in the process of trying to sterilize my tank of any copper ion residue left over from the previous owner using some medication in the tank. What I was hoping of doing was using some cheap invertebrates to test the tank beforehand to make sure the copper is in sufficiently low quantities to not kill any corals. Does anybody know if fresh water snails would be sufficient test subjects to try the tank on or does it make a difference if they are salt water invertebrates I plan on in the end product? Hoping of not wasting any salt if i didn't need to ;)
how about a chuck of LR with some pods and featherdusters on it? If they thrive then maybe its all clear?
how about a chuck of LR with some pods and featherdusters on it? If they thrive then maybe its all clear?

Well I was hoping of testing without having to mix up some salt water since I would then have to throw out all the salt water to try cleaning it again. Would fresh water snails still die if there was copper ions floating around???
From talking with the local aquarium store, they said that the copper test kits would probably not be sensitive enough to read the levels of copper that would kill invertebrates. Or are they wrong????
I believe quality test kits will give you quality results. Maybe your "local aquarium store," doesn't carry quality test kits. I'd suggest asking to have this thread moved to Boomer's chemistry forum, or starting a new thread in his forum. He'll be able to give you the best advice on this issue. IMO, needlessly killing animals isn't going to give you a definitive answer either.
If you can't find any other way to test it to the levels you need. try calling local analytical labs and ask what the cost to test for copper in aquiouse sample would be.
I work at one up here in Wa but sadly I'm in the conventionals lab and can't run metals tests whitch isn't much help for you. But from what I can tell, pricing isn't to bad. we have people send in there tap water all the time.

Might be worth a look.