UV sterilizer question

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Feb 2, 2008
So I think I'm gonna get me one. I"m looking at the coralife ones and was wondering If it can be to big. The reasoning would be that if it works well I can reuse it in the future lager tank I'm already planning in my head.


This is the one I was looking at. Too big for a 72g? Or is there no such thing as too big?

Is this a good model?

This is the best 1 page article I have found about it.

If you read this 1 page article you will understand what size bulb for what size tank.

Also the months that the bulb lasts typically. And an explination of all the pro's and con,s



UV kills almost everything in the water column in a single pass, bacteria, fungus, diseases, along with Plankton and algae. UV will usually raise your REDOX -- cleaner water.

Everything in your tank that filter feeds needs suspended live algae and Plankton so you will have to suppliment.

Wikipedia -- Plankton are any drifting organism that inhabits the pelagic zone of oceans, seas, or bodies of fresh water. It is a description of life-style rather than a genetic classification. They are widely considered to be some of the most important organisms on Earth, due to the food supply they provide to most aquatic life.

So, a larger unit may not be better in this case.


I would be careful how you read and take all that in the posted links by OFM. The author himself has a number of misconceptions, especially on Redox.
Also consider how much work is involved with UV and how often the bulbs need to be replaced. If your not up to the work and frequent bulb replacement you may want to consider O3.


I suggest further reading on the pro's and con's of UV sterilization and O3 (Ozone). Bacteria leave most living matter alone, however, once you kill it (and don't immediately remove it from the tank) bacteria will break it down.

This is just an opinion and further research may be needed.

Here are links for further reading on Ozone: http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-03/rhf/index.php

"What would you do with a brain if you had one!"

"Dorothy -- Wizard of Oz"


With uv or ozone its only going to kill what it comes in contact with. Neither are harmful to your tank when used properly. Uv is very safe and will not harm your tank in any way unless the bulb explodes. Ozone has a very small learning curve but if used properly is also safe.
Uv has a moderate up front cost as does ozone. Both need to be maintained and consuables replace on a regular basis. With UV its just the light bulbs but they are fairly expensive. With o3 its the carbon and the dryer which are both pretty cheap. IMO the o3 will give a much more noticable improvement. I dont think I would ever run a tank without o3 after using it for so many years. Uv never really did much for my tank so it was more a waste of money as far as I'm concerned.



In my opinion, I feel this form of exchange with other members of the hobby with practical advice (they use the stuff, or have used the stuff) is why we are here on this site looking through posts.

I have full access to the entire internet of knowledge, still, I want others opinions, I want to know how other people successful in this hobby do things.

When it comes to UV sterilization and O3 (Ozone) use, benefits, problems, etc,. I have never used these items in my tanks. DonW above has and offers his practical experiences.

I hope this valuable exchange of practical information continues. :)

My opinion is: If it works in the practical world --- find no fault in it.


"When we are told something long enough, we tend to believe it!"

"Some Athiest, Somewhere"


Hmm, I had though Ozone was something that required bulky expensive equipment and was really only for large tanks. Can someone point me to a link for something appropriate for a 72g bow? bear in mind that I have limited space under the tank due to the shape.
