very small white sponges or Aiptasia

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2008
My tank has been up for a 2-3 months now and i have noticed tiny white what look like sponges growing on my rock, they are hollow and round but very very tiny, i tryed for the life of me to get a pic and will try again when i borrow the folks camers. they are growing everywhere but not very large yet. can anyone point me to a pic of a juvenile aiptasia or explain to me how to tell them apart. so far they look nothing like the pics i have seen.

thank you
i think i have the same thing as you, looks like cotton balls...aiptasia is very distinct looks exactly like an anemone but the size of a food pellet and clear. two totally different looking things,
I've had them as well. They wont last long after you get some critters in the tank. I've never had one larger than a dime.
mine are pretty big, maybe the size of a nickel and about 4 or 5. havent seen harm so i dont worry about em