very weird story

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New member
Sep 18, 2008
ok so we just bought a firefish goby and we looked in our tank today and we noticed that he changed colors...he lost his fin and now he looks like a zebra but he has a florecent green color...i want to know y this happened and if anyone else has had this experience...btw im new to the sight:)
welcome... I'm not the one to answer your questions, well correctly that is. It doesn't look like very many people are on tonight.
Bubba....Maybe its lonly and needs another fireFish goby ...Looks like they are best kept in Pairs...Just a thought....And Btw....welcome to RF.. Be Carefull...Its Addicting!!!!!!!
Sounds like stress. What are your water parameters? Any other fish in the tank?
a picture would help :)

I had 6 firefish in my 200 for about 2 years or so and I've never heard of them changing color. I do know that a firefish would never willfully lose that dorsal fin. I bet something in your tank attacked him.
I will speak for Bubba...He is my Neighbor and Friend...He has a 12 gallon nano that we recently got from a fellow reefer..Nomercymike...His water parameters are ph=8.2 nitrates = 0ppm nitrites=0ppm Amonia=0ppm.............The firefish has been in his tank for only 5 days.He was purchased with a very small Gold Striped Maroon clown and those are the only 2 tank occupants other than a few blue legged crabs and a cpl of astrea Snails...I was amazed at the way this fish had changed...We watched the tank for hrs and he seemed like he was happy....Eating very well....The dorsal fin is still there,just not Black like it originally was...I am Stumped!! Thanks...Shane
Herefishy....So what should we do to help this little guy out?There is plenty of rockwork for him to hide out...Or do we remove him?I trust youre judgement!
Herefishy....So what should we do to help this little guy out?

Put one or the other in a different tank, the clown will probably eventually kill the firefish. GSMs are a lot more aggressive than many realize. If you like firefish, get a more docile type clown fish such as an Ocellaris Clown or true Percula.

I trust youre judgement!

You give me too much credit. I've not had much luck keeping firefish for very long.
I would have to agree. Watch to see if the GSM fish is harassing him. One of the fish will have to be removed, rockwork or not. The 12 gallon seems small for a more aggressive clown and a firefish. You might be better off taking out the GSM, since they can get too large for a 12 gallon, IMO.

Welcome to Reef Frontiers, bubbaedwards!!!
Herefishyfishy - we posted at the exact same time.... :)
Thanks guys...I was really afraid of that...I think they would be more happy with the more Docile fish anyway...this is there first tank they have ever had..I got it for them...helped em set it up....tought them how to test...tought them how to do water changes,and am now thying to get them with siutable live stock...what would you guys reccomend that would go well with the Firefish...I know thats the one they will keep....His Wifee thought it was Cute!!!!!!
I was typing as fast as I could but still couldn't beat "Linky" to the draw!:D

Clown gobbies and other gobbies are cool, little wrasses, not too many fish can fit in a nano.
Herefishy....are you going to the frag Swap.....I want to meet are so wise at this hobby...

OK, now you've forced me into defending my ignorance!:lol::lol:

Just an old timer reef keeper who has made about every mistake one can think of and crashed many a tank and killed off enough fish and corals to be nicknamed Reef slayer. Do love to help whenever possible. Most regulars here know a lot more than myself, I just post a lot and succeed in putting my foot into mouth on a regular basis.:oops:

Not sure I can make it to this Saturday's swap meet but really do love them. So many awesome people all abuzz with life and energy. Will be sure to make the next one though.
Well then..I guess i will have to try to attend both of the upcomong swapps....This will be my first one that i have attended,But i am sure i will love it...I have quite an addiction...Lol...!!
Just a note to add on the firefish issue.... if* it is the subject of aggressive behavior from the GSM (gold striped marroon clown), and your tank isn't covered, you won't have to wait for long. It will leap from the tank trying to avoid the stress and end up as a fish stick on the carpet. Best of luck, D