Veteran's Day

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
May 23, 2004
Hi all

I hope everybody here takes just a minute sometime today to think about and remember our nation's Veterans, who gave so much in service of our country, and also for all those still serving who are in harm's way...

I'm a Veteran and proud of it, and to fellow Veteran's here on this forum, thank you!

I'd like to hear from all the Veterans here....when did you serve and where were you? ...I'll start...... I was in the duty from '91 to '93, and reserves until '99...I served in the Middle East at the end of the first Gulf war...I also served in Haiti and Bosnia/Serbo-Croatia....

If you have freinds. family, ect that are veterans, please feel free to post their stories as well....

Aunt: Navy stationed on USS Samuel Gompers from 88-96' (ish)

Grandpa: Navy fought in Guadalcanal ret. as Ensign
I was active Navy from 93-98 on board the USS Independence, and am now a first lieutenant in the Ohio national guard. Did my tour in Iraq and received a Purple Heart.
I'm still active (AF)...1983 - present. Been to a few places...Korea-3x, Turkey, Hoduras, Saudi Arabia-2x, Kuwait, Irag... and Alaska, Hawaii, Georgia and Washington for the stateside bases. :)