VHOs vs T5s

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Apr 8, 2005
I'm in the process of building a lighting system for a 30 inch cube that will have PFO DE 250 watt 10k , as well as fluorescent lighting. THe tank is a mixed tank of softies, sps, clams, anemones... Originally I was going to use 4 actinic VHOs on an icecap ballast, but I see a lot of tanks using T5s. I know T5s are suppose to be a lot better on electricity, but are they as bright?? Space is an issue because I don't know if I can fit over 4 flourescents in the hood. Thanks...
If your looking at cost running either one it is so little difference I wouldn't let that be an issue. VHO's have available larger selection of reef lamps & produce nice lighting. HO-T5 also are getting more & more reef friendly lamps here in the U.S. & with the proper reflectors produce as bright or brighter lighting cost wise I also think your running a closer race these days. You may need more T5's than the VHO's but they are smaller also so that becomes a wash also. Properly set-up either one is a great product for lighting preferred over the PC's. With all that said, these days with so much available, you may want to consider getting MH instead, start with one and later get two or supplement with some T5's. You would supplement mainly for looks but IMO isn't necessary, you can get such a wide range of MH lamps these days, you can almost out the box get the look you want, just need to do some research, the price difference is worth it, also retro DIY you will also wash if your shooting for fairly decent lighting, guess budgeting is the lead factor in your final decision as to what you will want to get.

I base this statement from personal research & experiences, take advice help in your decisions but also do some homework before making final purchases, it will hopefull help you in the long run.
Thanks, primary lighting is a 250 watt DE aqualine bushke 10K, I'll stick with the 4x 75 watt VHOs as these have worked well for me in the past and the fewer bulbs to wire will be easier (I already have the ballast).