Video of my 2+yr old

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Wow that's a lot of fish. You must have a beastly skimmer. What kind is it?

*blush* - it's a coral life skimmer* it has about a QT cup and pulls in 1/8 cup everyday of dark brown water... I have a good 25 gal refuge with 4" deep mud and macro algae that helps out with the quality of was the one best addition that completely stablized the system..

I've added fish and coral over the course of 2 yrs...not all at once.. except for the 6 tangs (they've been in there for 7+months). everytime I've added I would check the water parameters everyday for 2 weeks to see the stress each addition put on the system. If i had put it in all at would of been no bueno.


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wwouu that's a lot of fishes, but your tank is pretty :) .
i like the last pic of the wrasse?
i don't remember the name..... what's the name?
Wow, that orange spotted filefish looks awesome! Does it only eat coral polyps in your tank or does it eat prepared foods? Please share what you feed him, thanks :)
I'd guess all those fish haven't been in the tank that long, wonder how they will fair after being so crowded.
Dude I don't see how you could possibly get along without a few more tangs. And to think I was wondering whether I could have A tang in my 72.

Seriously though if it's stable and works then good for you. just seems like those tangs would require a little more swimming room.

Then again what do I know? I'm a newbie
I'd guess all those fish haven't been in the tank that long, wonder how they will fair after being so crowded.

Well here it goes, how the fishes were added, and still all alive. Today Feb 23, 2008

7 yellow tangs have been in there since May 2007 (one died found him in the GBT one month after i got him, growing and fat)
1 Pallet/blue tang in the system since Nov 2006 (bought him at 1+inch now over 6inches)
1 emperor has been in the system since Jan 2006 (started as juv. now almost changed colors to adult)
10 Chromis has been in the system since Nov 2006 (few died by the domino)
3 Purple tang have been in there since June 2007 (all alive, growing and fat)
1 Pblue tang have been in there since Aug 2007 (gets ich sometimes but eats like a pig)
1 Fire angel in the system since Oct 2006 (fat and friendly)
1 tomini tang Feb 2008 eating well color good
1 Pbrown tang since Dec 2007 (bit bossy, but eats well and fat)
Blue damsels 1 from the beginning Sept 2006 been adding them now 14 (laid eggs last month, i have pix)
Yellow damsels just added 10 on Jan 2008 (don't know the species, 3 died the first day, I saved the 7 and now eating well and fat)
1 six line in the system since Jan 2007 (grew twice the size and fat)
1 domino = in the refuge had him since sept 2006 went from 1/2in to 3+inches today)
1 royal gramma had him since Jan 2007 - killed by the domino, ripped the jaw right off.

so far all the fish are eating very well (pellets, nori, flake food) 2-3 times a day. all the fishes have grown espcially the emperor and the Palette Tang. I have diff sizes on the Ytangs the biggest one is over 6 inches.

Amonia = close to zero, i have the color chart thing.
NO2 = not higher than 0.25
NO3 = not higher than 20
PH = average 8.0-8.2
I can't measure Calcium no kit but i do suppliment "purple up," iodine and other trace minerals accordingly
temp 79-81 degrees
Salinity = within range

I'm working on getting a 200+ gal ...give me will be my second upgrade.. saving up money. My wife died back in May 2007 and raising 2 children alone is not easy. This is the only hobby I have and it keeps my mind in a happy place when I'm alone. Keeps the old noodles busy and away from thinking bad thoughts.

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Dude I don't see how you could possibly get along without a few more tangs. And to think I was wondering whether I could have A tang in my 72.

Seriously though if it's stable and works then good for you. just seems like those tangs would require a little more swimming room.

Then again what do I know? I'm a newbie

For the last 12-14 yrs i've been told 1 tang for 75+gal tank. I met a guy named Will, he told me you can keep more than one tang but only as a large school. 2 yrs ago I went to the LB aquarium...noticed in the million gallon tank the tangs bunched up and swam in schools....ALL THAT EMPTY WATER and they are all bunched up ~ ahhh...they feel happy and secure when they are close to eachother; i thought. So I put 7 in the fishtank at the same time...ever since then they swim in a school and don't kill eachother. Notice my photo-they always bunch up~not all spread out. So I figured I had to have good water quality as base ~ which I think I've achieved now. Other tangs seem to join the killing eachother.

Wow, that orange spotted filefish looks awesome! Does it only eat coral polyps in your tank or does it eat prepared foods? Please share what you feed him, thanks :)

I just posted the pic of the "Harlequin Filefish" sorry guys...My system can't keep that fish. It was a fish from the LB aquarium in their Reef tank. the only specimen i've seen in captivity. Just wanted to share with all. But if you wanted to feed would have to paste food to rock work or baby brime shrimp since it has a small mouth and it definitly needs a VERY peaceful reef tank that is very mature to have lots of tiny critters for it to eat.

That specimen was about 2-3 inches and the single only specimen in the tank. The colors are much brighter in real life. here is the photo of the reef tank that it lives in.


first and formost, my condolences for your loss.

You are breaking many of the rules regarding keeping fish..... and obviously it is working for you :)

As critters grow, they need more space (my waist-line is evidence). You may have to thin the herd later, but I would surmise that the water volume you show coupled with the sump/fuge is helping matters.
My best,
first and formost, my condolences for your loss.

You are breaking many of the rules regarding keeping fish..... and obviously it is working for you :)

As critters grow, they need more space (my waist-line is evidence). You may have to thin the herd later, but I would surmise that the water volume you show coupled with the sump/fuge is helping matters.
My best,

Yes So true, the fish will be too big and too many and yes the extra water volume is helping...Fish are growing~!~!~ I would love to see my large tangs in a 300 gal...soon.

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Sorry to for your losses punky, that is a tough break.:(

Glad to see you're getting a larger tank, there are several things required to do what your doing & be successful, one know your fish & know when the they are running out of room, these tangs will get up to 10" each, not to mention the other bigger tangs & angels which will grow over a foot. One of the main problems is how fast fish grow & the water cleaning, If you keep up with them I'm sure you can squeeze them in for a while. Anyways good luck with the new set up, hope you post it up as you build it! ;)
So the tangs school as do the chromis? I never knew that tangs schooled together. :)
You learn something new everyday.

Alex B.
So the tangs school as do the chromis? I never knew that tangs schooled together. :)
You learn something new everyday.

Alex B.

Yes, they school...I must say even in my 97 gal its awesome to see 6+tangs swimming in unison, they follow me back and forth during feeding time from one end of the tank to the other end....
