Vlamingi tang question

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Pure Poison :)
Nov 3, 2005
Hi all,

Our LFS has a small Vlamingi tang (3-4") that hangs out in their sump :shock:

My question is, if I bought it and let it live in my 125, how long would it take to outgrow it? And when it does, how easy is it to find a good home for it?

I would kinda like to rescue the little guy, but I don't want to cause myself a big headache down the road (I am planning on upgrading to a bigger tank, but not THAT big).

those tangs get Huge!! not sure how long it would take to grow, but probably a year or so...
how big is your tank Julia??? if you don't want a headache, it probably isn't worth it.. you will have to qt the fish and most likely treat it for parasites
Our vlimangi tank has pretty much stayed the same over a year - at about 9". He does great in the 200. I think they start to really slow down once they start getting larger.

I would go for it.
My Vlamingi Tang consumes an amazing amount of food, more than a Naso tang and 4 yellow tangs combined, so they will grow fast. In my opinion, they are not for a nano or smaller tank.

I am sure if you acquire him, you can easily sell him when he outgrows your environment. Hobbiest are always looking for healthy fish, even large ones.