I recently set up a 46 gal bowfront tank (upgraded from 29gal) and finally have everything setup how I wanted, flow going pretty well, and sump and refugium seem to be working great! Other then the fact that I have had a huge outbreak of brown algae. I've done a couple 10% water changes in the past week, but it doesn't seem to be letting up. I'm assuming my nitrates may be a little high, just haven't had the chance to test them this week. I, of course, will test them tonight before doing anything "drastic", but while being "constructive" at work today, I have been researching ways to lower nitrates and "VODKA DOSING" came up. Seems like something that could do lots of harm if not careful, and wondering what other's thoughts were on this. If anyone has actually done it. And what kind of success..or fail/kill rate one may expect with corals, or fish? Thanks for the info everyone!!