Washing filter bags and other stuff (new guy)

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Jul 23, 2006
Looking for a little help here. I have been reading this site for the past couple of months and learn a few things daily.
First of how do you guys/gals wash your filter bags? Washing maching (don't think my wife would like that but would deal with it) do you just rinse it out and let it hang dry?
I am not using the bag but only during water changes/cleanings.

Reason I am asking is I have had some very funky happinings. And wonder if something is in my bags & I want to clean it well.

My Leather mushroom just died. It took about 24 to 48 hours, it was all drawn up getting spots and then the next day it was slumped over non-responsive. Chem was great everything looked good but... I think my salinity got a little high (1.027-30 maybe)during a h2o change (could that do it?). So I took that one on the chin, but then my 3 turbo snails died... chem is still fine (hmm are they sensitive to salinity?) Then today after feeding this am I go back down to check things out and one of my shrimp (Banded) is in HALF, the tail is gone just the body left. What is going on? are my fish hungy? I have a very small Fire angel, bicolor goby, psudochromis, a small clown who is Super Super aggressive to the fire shrimp(clown is often picking at it) but not ever to the banded shrimp (now only one left) a few little crabs some polyps bunch of live rock big 180 AuquaC skimmer with not much out put at all. This is in a 90gal the fish seem great.
I wonder if I have some toxin or what?
Call me baffled.
i'm very sorry to hear what you're going through dood :( .
When it comes to the filter bags, you're suppose to wash them the first time you're gonna use them, i'm not sure but i think with RO water.
Then you use them every water change and i believe after that, you're suppose to wash them again with your RO ( don't believe to much on the RO water because i'm not completely sure).
I believe some people wash them in their washing machine, but not sure on how they do it as i don't have one :p .
your Salinity is quite high, you're suppose to have it around 1.024 and 1.025, what did you use for checking it? sometimes hydrometers can lie if you're using one.
I'm sure someone will chime in and help you a little bit more dood.
I put them in the washer with arm n hammer Washing Soda. I turn them inside out and wash them on hot. Then I just let them air dry.
Hey Travis! If you are just using the filter bag for doing water changes, then IMO, you don't really need to get too involved in the cleaning because it won't be sitting in your tank, but simply being used to strain water through. I had a filter sock I'd strain water through sometimes if I just felt like vaccuming the sump and re-use the water which I'd just wash out with the hose to get most of the junk out, but that was it. For those that use their filter bags/socks regularily, I think they use some bleach to clean it and rinse it out thoroughly before re-using or toss them in the washer. As for if that is causing some issues in your tank, I highly doubt it unless you are cleaning it with some highly toxic chemicals and adding it to the tank, otherwise, some detritus buildup in the filter bag won't kill anything. Sorry to hear about your troubles...I can't think off of the top of my head what it could be other than what you said about the salinity jump. A friend of mine lost all his fish when he lost track of the scoops of instant ocean he was adding to his make up water and found out the next day when everything was floating and he checked the specific gravity that it jumped from 1.025 to 1.031! :eek: Quite possible depending on how big the jump was:)
We wash them in washer hot with bleach. Then run an extra rinse cycle.

running the salinity at 1.024-1.025. When I checked it post h2o change it was 27 or 29 can't remember for sure. The thing is I noticed it right away so I didn't think much of it as I corrected it right away. kinda odd.
Thanks for the ideas and the sock washing instructions.
Tank has been running for about a year

I am using a refaractometer I do have a hydrometer but don't use it. I also have a swing check (I know don't use it!) I only use that for just a quickie measure like when tossing in some food it does actually seem acurate. The refract. I use about every other day
Welcome to the forum.
If you notice that much of a diference from the new water to what is in the tank already you can add more RO water to even it out, I see that after you put it in the tank it kind of levels out but it is still diferent and it will shock the animals. Always try to get your new water the same temperature, PH, and salinity. If it is low add more salt and let it mix for a while then do the WC. I always check the water before taking any water out of the tank, this way I have time to make adjustments.