Water changes..Weekly vs. Monthly

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Which is better...Smaller weekly water changes (equivalent to 30% a month) or a single 30% water change a month?
weekly of course. The more often the water is changed the more stable levels of all trace elements are. Just my opinion of course. LOL Steve
Frequents small water change are better than large ones.It's less of a shock to corals.I do believe that weekly WC will provide with sufficient trace elements without adding any bottle additives and also to remove any pollutans accumulated over time.

A weekly water change of 5 gallons is better than a monthly water change of 20 gallons.

I change about 5 gallons/weekly on my 26 gallon cube.

- Elmo
For one, smaller water changes are alot easier than one large one. I cahnge 20 gallons weekly on my system, and it has turned into a 15-30 minute job every Staurday AM. Still plenty of time left for coffee.:D:D
Here is a poll on Water Changes

My answer to this question is it depends on your system. Some set-ups need weekly water changes, while other's don't need to change water often, but need to add trace elements to supplement what gets used up.

Hope this helps!
I just wanted to see what others thought about the subject.

I thought I'd toss the poll up, so you could see at the time of the poll what was more popular, it wasn't to take away from this thread, as it is a good topic. Something is to be said about a larger water change......it is better for a bigger hit than little ones drawn out. For instance, if you have an accident in the tank (cucumber dies, etc), it is more effective to have a big water change, as you will remove more than if you do a whole bunch of little ones over time.
NaH2O said:
My answer to this question is it depends on your system. Some set-ups need weekly water changes, while other's don't need to change water often, but need to add trace elements to supplement what gets used up.

I was always religious about the weekly water changes. However, if you have just a softy system, I have seen some incredible growth with less frequent water changes. So, I agree with Nikki that it might depend on what your goals may be. However, as a general rule of thumb, I think weekly water changes are a good idea for most situations...

Take e reasy
Scott T.
Scott, love your avatar:cool:. Your post almost brings a whole new thread to lite. In my 80 gallon softie tank, I only change water once every 3 weeks, and like you stated, I get good growth and everything looks really good. It would seem to me that softies can stand a few more nutrients than sps, would this seem to make sense?
It would seem to me that softies can stand a few more nutrients than sps, would this seem to make sense?

Absolutely. If you take a look at the different locations of corals in the wild, then what types of areas/zonations would you find softies vs. SPS?
I've been at this since May 2004. Set up a 55G w/ a 20G sump. Used nothing but RO/DI water. Have had no fish or invert casualties. No signifcant algae blooms other than what feeds my Lawnmower and Sailfin.

I have never done a water change. Only top off with RO/DI as needed.

Is this just dumb luck? Am I at some equilibrium that should not be messed with?

Well, I was changing it every couple to few weeks. Because of the high Ca, Mg and low Alk in the Oceanic salt - I didn't want to be jacking around on the chemistry every time I did a water change. It was difficult for me to deal with, and I felt the more I changed my water the more difficult it was to get my chemistry right. The longer in between water changes, then the more balanced my tank became. My plan now, since I am using a different ASW: I did a 20 gallon change yesterday, and will do a few smaller water changes (one tomorrow, and one on Friday) then get back to hopefully every week. As for pics of my tank.....lol - you guys don't forget do you! :lol: I wanted to hide my algae in peace. Alright, alright - I'll take some today, and post them up.
dan - are you dosing/supplementing anything? How are your water parameters (i.e. Calcium, Magnesium, alkalinity, salinity, etc)? Some can get by without water changes, but may need to supplement in order to replenish elements that get used up.
Agree. Probably on borrowed time. We'll see what happens. Everybody seems happy, shrimp have eggs on them, one of my starfish lost a leg and grew right back. Nobody seems stressed.
Nikki - Parameters are good. Wife actually got me a refractometer for xmas that I'm anxious to use.

I add a two part buffer/calcium additive (whose name escapes me at the moment) several times a week, nothing other than that.

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