water evap and condensation

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Jan 14, 2011
tacoma wa
ok so here is the problem ,
tank at the shop always evaps about 1.5 gal a day and condenses on my windows especialy in the winter . how can i slow this ???

turn the heater up in the shop ? turn the ac on ??? im kinda at a loss on this one . need help ! thanks for the advise ahead of time
Well, you could get windows that are better insulated so they are not so cold (which will stop the condensation from forming on them.)


Add in an exhaust fan, like you would use in a bathroom or something to pull humidity out of the room

or maybe put some of that insulating plastic film stuff over the windows that people use to retain heat in the winter time?
I went to Lowes and picked up a dehumidifier and that works well, you can set it for a certain level humidity and it comes on auto. I have also fixed issues like this by getting some 6 inch round duckwork and going through the wall with it, at McClenndons you can buy a duck fan to put inside the round, it worked well also.

If you just run air circulation it helps a lot most times. Dehumidifiers will work as well. Better glass and/or plastic typically won't help. Even with the best glass on the market it will still be the coldest surface in the room and that is where the moisture will collect. We have our furnace fan running 24/7/365 just circulation air in the house and it seems to have stopped the condensation issues we had at first.
Ahhh. Moisture, the bane of my aquarium room!

I ruined the floor in the upstairs room because I was ignorant of how bad the moisture can get when your in an area that doesnt get a lot of traffic.
I went to a local grow store, you know...like indoor growing ^_^
I picked up a $15 fan. Its about 5" I think and does 450cfm. Nothing amazing, but @4w consumption that's fine by me. It is 3 feet from the aquarium and set to blow outside 24/7.
I boarded up the opened window so only the gap for the fan is open. I noticed this solved the room's problem within days.

Moisture evaporators can work, but they are loud and expensive to run constantly. Not to mention you gotta empty them...and you lose about 1.5g a day you say.
They don't hold much to begin with. So your possibly going to be doing that every other day Id guess.
I have a fan running in the room too. I also cracked the windows open just a hair for air circulation. It helps for the most part, but I still get a little condensation. Not nearly as bad as the flood I was getting before I cracked the windows open.
ok so here is the problem ,
tank at the shop always evaps about 1.5 gal a day and condenses on my windows especialy in the winter . how can i slow this ???

turn the heater up in the shop ? turn the ac on ??? im kinda at a loss on this one . need help ! thanks for the advise ahead of time
Put a "chiller on the tank" if evaporation is from fan cooling. Can have water loop outside where it is ambient cooled. If just regular evaporation, increase air exchange in the shop. Will also help water chemistry