Water Flow Suggestions?

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Oct 5, 2006
I have a 75g that I'm setting up, its 3.5 months along. Right now I have (3) 1200 Maxi-Jets for flow. I am considering a Seio 1100 for increased flow, I like the idea of that pump so I can eventually get the controller to tweak the flow of the pump(s).
How does this plan sound? To little or to much flow for a 75g tank?
I plan on mostly fish at first, but would like to get an anemone and soft corals in the future.
Please offer any advice or suggestions! Thanks:D
All depends on what you want to keep and/or do with your tank. How much LR/LS do you have? Are you doing a sump? Softies like shrooms, xenia, zoas or what? For fish only, the maxis should be good enough and look into hydor flos on them.
I have 3 mj1200's with hydors in my 65g that is predominatly softies but also has a couple of candy canes and a hammer.. Depending on what you get for softies you might want another mj or pump in there for flow.
hth :)
As the others already suggested, it all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. 3 maxijets and an 1100 gph Seio, should do a pretty nice job on keeping things circulalting in there. IMO, it's not too much flow as I had a 75gal awhile back with over 5,000 gph of flow and it was only a fish only tank with some live rock (FOWLR). Here's a thread that will show you what various people use in different sized tanks for flow:)

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Ive never seen the hydors before, so they work good? Do you run just one in a tank? OR more? How much turbulence do they cause?
I do have one frogspawn in the tank (by the way how long does it take for them to adapt to a new tank and open up completely?)

Thanks for the suggestions so far!
Ive never seen the hydors before, so they work good? Do you run just one in a tank? OR more? How much turbulence do they cause?
I do have one frogspawn in the tank (by the way how long does it take for them to adapt to a new tank and open up completely?)

Thanks for the suggestions so far!

Never used hydor before, but I see a few people using them (if you are referring to this one http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merc...oduct_Code=HY-H01401&Category_Code=Wavemaking ) As for the frogspawn, could say for sure. Never had one of them either:oops:
Would an over the top closed loop with a mag7 be better than a seio 1100? What are the advantages to the closed loop?
I love SEIOs! Low power consumption, low heat, quiet but: they hang in the tank in the way, and often fall on corals. Closed loops can be done more aesthetically than any power heads. I really respect those who have the patience and skill to drill and properly set up a well plumbed closed loop. Some day for me:D
Would an over the top closed loop with a mag7 be better than a seio 1100? What are the advantages to the closed loop?

Well, you'll definately get more flow out of the 1100 gph Seio over the mag7. For starters, you are comparing 1100 gph to 700 gph. The Seio will give you a broader flow pattern which is more beneficial for the tank as it will cover more area, but the pump will have to sit in the tank which some people don't like to see. With going with the closed loop, the pump will be out of the tank (out of sight) which in this case is the only real benefit I see with going with the closed loop over the Seio in this particular situation. The reason why I say that is the Seio's come with so many mounting options that you can pretty much point the Seio anywhere in the tank you could point a nozzle from a closed loop at. If it were your standard powerhead you were dealing with like a maxijet, then you would be limited on where you could point the flow, but not with a Seio. Also, I've had the 620 and the 820 gph Seio's before and they never added any noticeable heat to the tank and I've heard of a few people experiencing heat issues with mag drives even used externally. Then last but not least, you buy the Seio under $60 and you plug and play and are finished with it. You go with the closed loop and you will need the pump, all sorts of plumbing parts and will have to make up the intake and output plumbing which is more time consuming. I figured if you were to go with a closed loop, I'd use a pump worth the all the work which would give you much more flow than 700gph. Just my thoughts on it:)
Hydor's are the shizz nits. Helpful hint, lfs will charge double so look online.
Thanks Steve, was thinking of buying a couple even though mine are 2600s which are not recommended. Marty Finn offered to make a couple custom ones, and I also have been trying to get a couple used Tunze magnets to modify. Might just try the ones you referred to, and set them up where they were under less strain.
(I enjoy your emoticons)
I thought of this as I was reading and it seemed to fit in here......On the intake of a closed loop how do you get water and constant flow out of a undrilled tank if pumps don't suck?
Intake and returns are submerged and equal in gravity. The only pressure loss is from the elbows and restriction. I tried it once, looked too jury rigged for my tastes (and my standards are pretty low.) Probably inferior to overflow system due to less gas exchange. Only advantage would be less energy consumed and quieter.
Huh, I have an overflow I just need more circulation so I was thinking a closed loop with a mag 7. Rather than ugly powerheads
Thanks for the link, but where do you buy them? The site doesn't have any places to buy from???