water flow...

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Dec 5, 2006
rancho palos verdes
just recently purchased a 29 gallon tank. Was wondering what wuold be the best water flow for this setup. was looking at the seio m820 or the tunze stream pump....but dont know what wuold be better? or if another powerhead wuold be better? i want nice even water flow....wondering also if one powerhead wuold be sufficient enuogh or if 2 on oppoasite aides of the tank would be better? any suggestions wuold really help. thanks!!
Hi richie! I guess it all depepnds on what you are planning on keeping in the tank as to which powerheads will be needed. You will definately need enough flow to catch all deadspots in the tank, but the intensity will all depend on the corals. If this is a standard all-glass tank (30Lx12Wx18H) I'd probably go with 2 opposing powerheads. I like the versitilty of 2 powerheads rather than one and I think possibly even (2) of the M620 Seio's or (2) of the 6025 Tunze nano streams (660 gph per) would do the trick. Just a thought...Good luck!:)