We have blue tangs here!!!

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Blue Tang
Nov 28, 2005
i went snorkeling yesterday.. i was passing over this really shallow area when my buddy got my attention.. he was pointing at a yellow tang.. i swam up to it and realized it was a baby blue tang( i think).. it had a blue stripe around it and its eyes had a blue ring around them....after swimming for a bit longer, i came across three more of them.. they were schooling with the local tangs that are always around here.....every now and then, the local ones would chase them away.. i tried to catch one with my slurp gun, but the suction wasn't strong enough.. i am going to have to get a bigger slurp gun and try it out
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i am going to have to get a bigger slurp gun
Why not just use a hose and your mouth. With all the hot air you blow you should have plenty suction.:D

Sounds cool.
i am actually wondering if it is actually a mimic tang instead..it is either a mimic tang, or a baby blue tang that is out there...
i plan on getting a waterproof camera.. i may be able to borrow my buddies' camera..... i went out today for a long time... i saw the blue tangs again... one of them was almost completely blue, and i saw another that was still yellow with an electric blue stripe on its fin... they were about 2 -3 times bigger than the last ones that i saw!!!! i also saw some sort of Acanthurus tang that was the biggest one i have ever seen!!! it was about 8-9" long, but it was like 4" from top to bottom.. it was HUGE!!!! i have noticed that they like to stay a little deeper than some of the others that i see alot of....they are in about 8-9ft of water...they are also the most skiddish fish out there... all of the other fish swim around you, but the tangs dart into cover when you get close to them!!! hopefully i will get a camera soon before it starts to cool off.. i plan on taking alot of shots!!