HELP!!! We have a fish that that we just noticed tonight is obviously infected with Marine Ich (milletseed butterfly fish) so we need to set up a hospital system to treat via hypo-salinity. We have 18 fish that it will need to hold and all we have here is a 40b, 29 and a 20L. These would work and be a little tight but I would much rather control one large tank than 3 small ones. Does anyone have anything we can borrow so we can go fallow for 8 weeks and treat the fish? We will not be using copper or any other chemicals in the tank, only hypo-salinity. We also do not have a truck any longer to transport a large tank so we will need to work something out there as well. If anyone has any of the corner filters that Lee speaks off in his sticky we could use them as well. We are not in a financial situation at the moment to be purchasing any of this stuff so any loaner equipment we can get would be fantastic. Please let us know ASAP.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Thank you for your help in advance.