website problems?

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Mike, the script that ran that feature was messed up, so I disabled it for the time being, when we do another patch update then I can see if it works. Thanks for the input, the more information I get the easier it is for me to trace the issues.
I'm still getting logged out when I try to use the advanced search feature.
Type in a single word search, and instant log out.
I can however use the back button to return to the main page where I am logged in.
Martin this I couldn't find problems last time you said this but it wasn't doing it to me and now it is doing it to me. I'll dig into these problems more and see If I can get it fixed, just give me some time.

Thanks for the feedback, it is the only way I can trace the bugs.

I'm still getting logged out when I try to use the advanced search feature.
Type in a single word search, and instant log out.
I can however use the back button to return to the main page where I am logged in.
Well here an update, I still can't find errors causing this, at work it never happened I tried all day, no issues. I come home and pop it booted me out again. I called Url Jet to help and I can't replicate the issue. I'll have to read up and search more but so far I don't have enough to trace back to the issue.
I can use the advanced search once...second time I get logged out. I also get logged out when going from one forum category to another. I took a quick vid of the search feature logging me out.

When I first ran into this problem it was from the advanced search page.

So I followed scampy's example and it happened the same for me.
Typed in a seach word and clicked the magnifying glass, and got some results. Typed in another word search from the same page as the results page, and that's when it logged me out then.
But one thing I noticed that when it logged me out I end up at the advanced search page...
Don't know if that helps.
Heres a different way I always get logged out...I'm not good at describing things so I'll just show you lol.


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