Welcome Reef Frontier Members to the MBI!

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New member
Nov 28, 2010
Duluth, MN
Just wanted to stop on by and thank Mike for working with the crew at the MBI to bring a fish and invertebrate breeding focalpoint to Reef Frontiers. As I relayed to Mike, I'm happy to answer any questions that come up - shoot me a Private Message (PM) or email (assuming I get notifications of PMs, I should see and answer those pretty quickly)!

In my opinion, the goal here is to help create a thriving breeding community within Reef Frontiers, as well as using the MBI to make connections (and perhaps a little friendly competition) with breeders at other participating organizations! I'm certainly excited to how the MBI comes to life within this community, and can't wait for the first points to be awarded to a Reef Frontier member! I'm also curious to see who will reveal themselves as this community's resident breeding expert...we know you're out there!
Hello all,
Also wanted to speak up and let you all know that I'm also here to help where I can. I'm one of the co-founders of the MBI and have offered to help out in the forum where needed to get thngs off the ground here. If anyone has any questions about the MBI, and the MBI system, or any breeding questions in general please don't hesitate to ask.

Chad Penney,
MBI Council
Thank you both for sharing your time here!
I had a ton of questions about breeding Mandarins a while back, and Matt spent a fair bit of time helping me out. So do take him up on the offer, he is a great guy.

Hello everyone,

It's great to have RF on board with the MBI! Please feel free to post questions and contact any of us if you have any questions regarding the way that the MBI works.

I'm looking forward to seeing what other breeders are doing around here. Sharing information and expanding breeding knowledge is of prime importance for the MBI and the hobby in general.

We have a pair of Cyrptocentrus Cinctus (Yellow Watchman Gobies) that are laying eggs every 6 weeks or so. We have them in a 65 gal tank with only one other fish and virtually no rock so there is easy access to the fish and their eggs. There are some 2" PVC piping that they hang out in and typically attach the sac of eggs. I have asked on the RF site and done some research online but seemed to only find how difficult this breed is to raise. Am I correct? We are a total beginners in the saltwater world and only just set up our first reef tank in May of last year. Is it just plain silly to attempt raising a brood of fry from this species as the first?
It's never silly to try!

It is by not means the best option to cut your teeth in captive breeding. Most people start with clownfish or the like. However you already have a breeding pair producing eggs and you really have nothing to lose in trying to see if you can raise the. You might very well have some breakthrough or idea that no one before you has had.

AS a start you can check out: Search MBI Reports it has some more information on the species and what some others have done.
Hi and welcome to RF. This should be an informative forum. :) What fish or invert would you recommend for the first time breeder and what references would you recommend to read up on? I'd like to try breeding and would like to start with something that can offer a better chance of success as I learn. I've had SW tanks off and on for 20+ years but only have really gotten into reef tanks for the past 2 years. Thanks.


Ola, my name is Kweil Kwitt Recently from Iowa, originally from Lincoln and grew up there.

I have a great free time,I prefer all four seasons , specially the summer and the heat.

Networking has been a part of my life for the last 7 years and most recently primarily on the Web.

I seem to be drawn to technology and love all the high tech gadgets out there.
As tough as it is right now, more and more people are seeking guidance from people who have walked the walk and can teach others how to benefit from what they went through. I am here to help those that need help and will ask for help from other people when i need it.

I am a retired manager in the field of Science project management software.

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Learning about new things is one of my passions.

I volunteer for valid causes that help children.

Glad to be a part of this awesome venue and Will learn something new here.