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New member
Dec 13, 2011
Tacoma, WA
Hello, Im new to the saltwater hobby. Ive been reading alot before I started, asked a lot of questions, and am enjoying every minute of it. Ive had two causlty's, one a black clown fish, and a turbo snail that my cleaner shrimp ate pretty much as soon as I put him in the tank. I now have a green bubble tip anemone and I am not sure what is going on. Ive had it for two weeks and is not accepting food, it is still moving around in the tank I guess looking for its spot. I would like to get the clowns to host with it, but not really sure how to do it. I will be moving my fish guest to a bigger tank in January and wondering if I should wait till then to start trying to get the clowns to host. Just some info about whats going on here. See you guys later.
This hobby is addicting! Welcome to Reef Frontiers! As far as the hosting is concerned, in my case it just happened naturally. I started out with two clowns, who fought initially, and eventually the "alpha" started to realize that the anemone wouldn't harm him, and he started to take naps in it, now he sleeps all night in his "anemone bed". You can't force the hosting process, it will occur naturally. Sometimes it will never happen.

Good luck, let us know if you have any questions. There are many experts in this forum, and I am not one of them. This hobby is a learning process every day.
Hey, Welcome to Reef Frontiers. We all would love to help you with any questions. Tell us more about your system. What size tank is it? What kind of lighting do you have? What kind of flow is in the tank? What type if filtration do you have? What are your water parameters?

I have a green bubble tip that was moving all over the place. Got caught in a power head once and got torn up pretty good. He survived. I got a clownfish and what I did was when I acclimated the clowfish, and was placing him in the tank, I held him in the net up against the anemone. Just close enough so he touched it a couple times and thats all it took. The anemone stopped moving.
Some clowns never host. I have a pair of black ocellaris. The male gets addicted to the anemone and the female wont have anything to do with it.
Another pair took to their anemone before they came out of the bag. Another clown took over a year to get familiar with her anemone.
Welcome :) Glad to have you on board :)

Don't even give the idea of "pushing" the Anemone to Clown issue any more thought. It's a crap shoot at best and if it's going to happen it will happen when the time is right. Remember we're dabbling with "Nature" and everything happens on Nature's terms not ours. More often than not the more we try to persuade/push things we do harm.

The fact that your anemone hasn't taken any food and is still moving around in your tank is some cause for concern. They have a slow metabolism and they are highly photosynthetic (means they get a good amount of their food from the lights) but they should eat more often than what you're experiencing. In addition to the above questions also try and answer these:

* What are your current test results?

* How much water do you change and how often?

* What is your light cycle?

* What are you trying to feed the anemone?

Just in case I'd suggest you get some type of "Anemone Proofing" done to any pumps/powerheads in the tank. They are notorious for strolling right into them and fairly ever recover from it. Better safe than sorry.
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:welcome: to Reef Frontiers, glad to have you on board. Like stated above we need a bit more info to better help you out. Also how long has the system been up and running ?

Cheers, Todd
Anemonies like a very stable tank (a year old seems to be a benchmark for nems) and LOVE lots of light.

If it is moving around a lot it either 1)isn't getting enough light or 2) can't find a nice spot that provides some shelter from current with easy light access.

You shouldn't have to feed them, as the light can take care of that. If you do feed, no more than every 3 or 4 days or they will puke it back up (as they haven't digested their previous meal.) I stopped spot feeding mine, as they just grow way to freaking fast when I do it.

I have mine under some 250 watt metal halides and they love it.

I have two clowns hosting 2 different RBTA's now, but it took them maybe 6 months to start to host, then a year before they really got into it (now constantly in the nems, rolling around, burying themselves, etc.)

Hosting is not an instant thing. The clown will bump into them to get stung, and slowely over time will develop an immunity to the stings, until eventually they will be totally immune to the toxins. It is really a waiting game. To try to speed it up, I put a picture up on the outside of my tank of a osc. clown hosting an RBTA. Not sure if it helped or not. Have heard people doing it with some success so I tried it, but it is kind of hard to know what the factor was that got them to finally host.