West Nile Illness "scares me"

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Brendens wife
May 17, 2006
I went outside today and got about 20 new bites..... I hate mosquitoes:mad: I have them everywhere around our house..... I know brian I over turned the two buckets outside....... But, you have to be covered in smelly bug spray to make sure the kids or I do not get crushed with bites. :shock: And even then........

Who else has this problem? What so you do?
Here is an some reading below that bothered me....YUCK:eek:

I go through a can of "Off" in about 2-3 weeks here in the summer! I hate them myself! Who knows what the heck they are biting before they bite us so I kill any I see:D I don't have any problems here at home really...Just down to work outside...
I bet if you polled the general population you would get very similar results to the people that "have it"

25 percent of patients had moderate to severe depression; 84 percent reported fatigue; 20 percent had tremors.
Yes I read that... but, its scary who knows if you got it.
but, I agree with you that could be "most" people.

I can not stand mosquitoes !
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my grandmother just got diagnosed with West Nile Virus...her neighbor went to her house to get the paper and she wouldn't answer..she came back later, and still no answer..(they share a newspaper everyday..cheap old ladies... 80plus years) she called the police..they got in and found her sitting at the kitchen table..her temp was over 100 degrees...she didn't know where she was or anything...when they checked her at the hospital, they suspected West Nile...they just confirmed it last week...she lives in Pine Bluff, Arkansas...i had no idea that it was this common:eek: ..she is feeling somewhat better this week