What are these?

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Well-known member
May 15, 2007
I found these brown tube like things all over one of my rocks, the picture is horrible, but I couldn't get a better one for the life of me. They have little poofy tops.
Hard to tell by the picture, but try and google search either tube worms or feather dusters and see if they look like either of them. If so, they are filter feeders and are good to have. :)
no they look more like this, after looking up tube worms, but they are darker brown. Either way, looks like they are good things, and not bad. thanks!:)
Penny, Do they look like this.



A better picture

I took this this morning, much better...
I hope these are good things, because this whole rock is covered with them.
Hydroids are bad, but only because they can sting other corals if they get near them. I had a colony by a torch coral a while back. They're gone now! (The hydroids.) Guess they lost that battle. I have other small colonies that just seem to keep to themselves.

If you smear some kalk paste over them, they'll die - but that doesn't really look like it'd work well with the ones you pictured. Mine are in nooks/crannies of my rock, so they "spackle over" quite well!