What chiller to use for a 240 gallon tank?

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May 31, 2004
Olympia, WA
I plan to buy a chiller for my new 240 gallon tank and I would like some recommendations. What brand/size website?
Do I really need a chiller with a dual controller?

I am very happy with my Pacific Coast Chiller (CL-650) for my 180. When I was looking, I found that they had a really good service reputation, not to mention being "semi-local" being out of the Portland Area... so shipping charges wern't too bad either.

For a tank your size... I believe you will want to look at a 1/2hp unit.

Here is a link to their Website:

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I would say at least a 1/2 hp unit... perhaps even more if you have an insanely high amount of MH lighting wattage, lots of submerged pumps, etc. Agreed with above post regarding the reputation of Pacific Coast. I don't have a chiller myself but several friends do and they all have Pacific Coast chillers and have been very pleased with the quality and the response when need from the company.

How much lighting do you have, how many pumps do you have, etc.?
LakeEd said:

I am very happy with my Pacific Coast Chiller (CL-650) for my 180. When I was looking, I found that they had a really good service reputation, not to mention being "semi-local" being out of the Portland Area... so shipping charges wern't too bad either.

For a tank your size... I believe you will want to look at a 1/2hp unit.

Here is a link to their Website:


Pacific Coast is one brand I've been looking at, but they don't make a 1/3 hp chiller and I was hoping I didn't have to go that high.
I've used Aquanetics, Custom Sea Life, Aqua Medic, Aqua Logic, and Pacific Coast Units and by far the Pac Coast Units have been the best when it comes to all around performance, price, and reliability. The service I have received has been good as well. You do need them to be situated so the heat they give off can escape. We have run some in stands but had to take measures to get the hot air out. While tweaking the ventilation we did blow some fuses (easy to replace) and wore out a unit or two. I wouldn't spend the money on their "heater/chiller" units as you can only choose to set it either as a heater or a chiller. It will not do both automatically as needed. You have to manually switch between the two settings. I would recommend the 1/2hp unit but as noted above the 1/4hp may work depending on how you install it, the room's air temp, flow through, and the number of degrees you need to pull down your system.
if the tank has no livestock run lites and pumps and everything else on a normal cycle and see how warm the tank gets on a warm day. then decide what tank inhabitants you want and what temp they need. the difference in degrees will determine the size chiller you need.
I vote for Pacific Coast as well Martin. I see what you mean about the price difference between the 1/2hp and 1/4hp though... Are you still going to be running some of those fans and using those vents? If so, then it may be possible for you to run the 1/4hp along with them and be alright with cooling...:)
I plan on using all the same equipment that I have on my 180 now, with the addition of another Poseidon P4.
My 180 is consistantly at 79 in the morning and 81 at night. I'd like to drop that down a couple degrees and with the second P4 which should add another 2 to 3 degrees, I'm looking to drop about 5 degrees total.
I'd like to use the Pacific Coast CL-650.
I have the Pacific Coast CL-650 on my 100 gallon reef. It does a great job. Recently, the fan motor went out and I called up Pacific Coast and they sent me a new one free of charge, even though the warranty was up. HTH
Heat going in ?

Finn don't forget to look at what you will be putting in this tank for heat.
Lighting? Are you using halides? How powerfull 250watts? 400watts?
T-5, VHO will put some heat but not as near.

Pumps are you running external pumps on this or are you running Submersable's " Mag drives"

I have a 150 gallon tank with 3 Refugiums and a 29 gallon sea horse tank all plumbed to a common Oceanic sump The main tank has a PFO fixture that has 3ea 250 watt halides and 2 72" 160 watt VHO's in it I currenty have all Submersable pumps including a mag drive 24 and 18
I am curretly using a 1/3 HP chiller that is made by Current here are the specs on it:
CU02606 1/3hp 4524 BTU's 115V/7.4A 720-1320 GPH flow 1" FPT 60-80°F Single Stage controler size 17.5"Long x 11.0"wide x 15.5" Hi
I personlly think If your lights are this size and pumps around this size you should be fine, With me living on the east side I see a lot more heat in the summer than you and I have had this going into my second summer. I just love the unit.
P.S. I have a PCI CL-450 And it could not handle the heat in my 75 gallon tank..It now sit on the core pile in the garage;)

Good luck with your choices Finn hope this info helps you...Jeff

finn said:
I plan to buy a chiller for my new 240 gallon tank and I would like some recommendations. What brand/size website?
Do I really need a chiller with a dual controller?