What did I do!?!?

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2013
lynnwood, WA
Hey so I posted earlier about my fish acting weird. ipisces said it could be from my water temp being up. I lowered the temp. Took all new reading and my ammonia was still a little high ( 0-0.25). I did like a 3 gallon water change and went to my LFS. The guy there recommended Kordon amquel plus ammonia detoxifier. I read all the instructions and did a half dose. Said was reef safe. Since then all my corals have shrunk and my fish are acting even more strange. I don't know what to do! Has anyone used this before? Can anyone recommend anything or even take a look?!? About 4 months ago my tank took a dive and I lost a lot of money and can't afford to do it again. And to top it off I'm supposed to have a order from SWF coming in on Tuesday( I'm trying to postpone). Maybe I'm just overreacting
Thanks Cameron bates
ps: I've turned off the lights and have done another small water change but I'm all out of ideas and don't have a QT set up
When you do your water changes are you matching your DT water param. ??? Sal. temp. and ph?
Not sure about the chemicals you dumped in there. Sounds like snake-oil magic to me.
Yeah I match temp. Sal and ph. Think I should keep doing smaller water changes or just wait it out?
I would keep change small amounts 3-5 gal per day until your parm are better. If you are matching the DT with the fresh saltwater it cant hurt.
I agree, keep doing water changes. And maybe run carbon. Both these should help with removing ammonia too.
You wont be able to test for ammonia for a while it sounds like, from what I have read about amquel. You will not get an accurate reading.
Okay thank you! I'll be getting carbon and doing water changes! Hopefully all will work out. I don't have any super delicate corals so I'm hoping they will all pull through
Could you be more specific about the fish acting weird. Are they not swimming at all, stay in one place? or swimming very fast kinda want to smash the tank....? and if your coral not open like usual then there is something wrong with your water.
My fire gobys will swim up then almost float back down then swim up again. My two damsels are troopers. They made it through the last problem and seem to be doing fine and my female clown is staying in the same spot for hours while the other one was on the bottom. Like getting pushed into the rocks and now is by the over flow with the current kinda holding himself there, the water I used was water I mixed up with my new rodi system with new salt. Then today I had bought pre mixed water from Denny's pet world and changed the PH and salinity to match my tank. Should I mix all new Ro/di water and mix it with my salt and try that?
First of all, DID you put any medication/supplements/additives in the tank??? if soI guess it is the reason.... there is no reason for otherwise a healthy tank suddenly going south. I suspect the lack of oxygen...fish swim upward one is gasping for some sort of fresh "air", two they are very stress with the water in the tank.... as the clown stay in the same spot.

you can use the RO/DI water mix it with your daily use of salt then check the Ph and temp. As fish in these stages are very sensitive to Ph change.
Hes got an airstone in the return. Could maybe using 3 different kinds of salt be the problem? Or maybe something from the pet store is in there water? Ive always mixed my own and use the same salt. Dont know much bout other salt brands. How old is your tank?
Before you noticed a problem, were you using water from your RODI unit? If not, what were you using?
Are you using the same salt brand as before?

Switching salt will affect coral if done too much too fast, but I wouldn't think it would affect fish this badly as long as the pH is matched up.

What are you using for test kits to test you parameters?
Have you taken water to a LFS to have them test it? Just in case your tests kits may have gone bad. Some don't have a very long shelf life. Red C Aquarium is close by in shoreline. I'd stop and see him.
Amquel killed half my fish. Run carbon, het the marineland carbon with the ammonia remover if you like, but i would avoid amquel from now on. Don't add more bc the numbers aren't going down either, it doesn't remove the ammonia, just makes it less toxic, you will still find the ammonia when you test. Water change, water change, water change.