What does your kid drag home?

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Oct 8, 2003
Lovely Lynnwood
Well you hear stories of kids dragging home stray kittens from boxes in front of the grocery store; or cute little puppies they found while out playing but ohhhhhhhhhhhhh no........ My daughter, the one and only, coralgirlshi drags home guppies!!! No warning no nothing; I get home from work to, "Mom look what I brought home from school... aren't they cute??" Nooooo they aren't! I have to admit to being cranky, after all we have too many tanks in the house as it is. So they are living in a two liter pop bottle, all still alive, and she says she has until Saturday to get them out or they will die says the science teacher. :lol: :confused: :lol: :confused:
ohh boy :)
mine is still to young for that (he's almost 2), but he likes bringing home rocks, sticks and whatever he finds on his way :p .
One more thing how's your tank doing?
I gotta tell you that you got an awesome tank
Well, mine is also still too young to bring stuff home (3 1/2), but she does pick up bugs and let them crawl on her. She ran up to me yesterday with a huge centipede crawling on her arm, saying "Isn't it cute?". However, this same child screams like no child has ever screamed before at bees, wasps, and hornets. I suspect when she's older she'll catch snakes and lizards....but in her fanciest dress :D.
A number of years ago, nearly another life time, I had surgery and my first day home alone with the kids; who were quite young (5 and 6 or so) I made it downstairs to see what they were doing... I went into the kitchen to get some water and looked at the deck and my son was just inside the door... there was a bar between us so I did not see the what appeared to be "HUGE" garter snake wrapped around his arm. I nearly had stitches undone. I was screaming so bad my son froze and had to scream at Shilo to take her brother by the arm and take him outside..... he did and "allegedly" let it go down by the fence only for me to walk on the deck an hour later and look in a little doll's wagon and see it in there... Bad bad children..... :)
Thank you Colleen !!
i love the coral and it seems to be doing well.
Now i bet that was some scary moment with snake :eek:
mine does like stepping on the slugs from outside, but i think he is gonna be one of those kids that brings any type of living creature to the house because everytime we go for a walk he always wants to bring dogs, cats, turtles, frogs etc. anything that we find he says mine :shock:
my 4 year old brings home clumps of other childrens hair and toys he's beaten them up for...he's going through a "phase".... :doubt:

i am a son i can say i dont bring home anything alive but other trash that my dad wants to though away or drag off to the dump like old gas cans or a gaff street mh's but i have other suspiciuns of wat they were used for......and other stuff like a 100 pound allumium loading dock things like the ones behind a safeway or albertsons and all sorta of wood that could be used for bmx jumps but end up never being used for 3 years or so.......... id just be glad the dogs and cats they bring home are alive if it were some of my friends id say they might be pocking it and injecting it with food coloring or othr really odd experiments
NaH2O said:
Well, mine is also still too young to bring stuff home (3 1/2), but she does pick up bugs and let them crawl on her. She ran up to me yesterday with a huge centipede crawling on her arm, saying "Isn't it cute?". However, this same child screams like no child has ever screamed before at bees, wasps, and hornets. I suspect when she's older she'll catch snakes and lizards....but in her fanciest dress :D.

LOL - Charlie got a chance to hear the ear piercing scream coming from my child via phone - when a bee flew near her :lol:. Just the day before she was picking up beetles and putting rollie pollies in a container....the sight of a bee - cover your ears.
NaH2O said:
LOL - Charlie got a chance to hear the ear piercing scream coming from my child via phone - when a bee flew near her :lol:. Just the day before she was picking up beetles and putting rollie pollies in a container....the sight of a bee - cover your ears.

What, I can't hear you, someone screamed in my ear yesterday, and I haven't been the same since!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D