what dose your wife/hubby say about your hobby

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
kelso ,wa
I don't know if this is the right place to put this but what dose your wife/hubby say about your tank/hobby????????????:lol:
Candyce likes how my tank looks but hates how much time i spend on it. There are two days a week that i am not allowed to even look at my tank!:cool:
my husband hates the tank sometimes because of all the money but he likes the corals and the fishes :p + he knows better not say anything bad about my tank..... after all i do all the cooking and cleaning;) :shock: :lol:
more than anything he thinks that i'm addicted to RF which i'm not ....wait hmmm...he's right !!!:eek: :lol:

actually from time to time i have to beg for things :p since i'm staying at home mom and i don't make any money, i have to wait on things for my tank
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My wife hates how many times I (we) go to a LFS.

She almost flipped one time when I stopped at Upscales in Portland during an Ore. road-trip
("Why are we going THERE?!??" she said... "it's not like they're going to have anything NEW, it's going to be the EXACT SAME STUFF YOU'VE SEEN AT ALL THE OTHER STORES!!")
But once we got inside, we were both BLOWN AWAY--I actually had to tell HER when it was time to leave and that "we need to get back on the road".... :lol: )

Same thing goes for new corals...
(Sometimes I have to "sneak" them into the house :rolleyes: ) but once they're acclimated and in the tank she loves them and likes to show off the tank when friends visit. :D
Same thing goes for new corals...
(Sometimes I have to "sneak" them into the house ) but once they're acclimated and in the tank she loves them and likes to show off the tank when friends visit.

LMAO!! what's in that bag?!!...i don't know :lol:....what is that? is that water leaking out of that bag?? ..no that's a little bit of sprite that leaked from a can of soda :lol:.
My loving wife is very happy that I have a hobby that makes me happy and lowers my stress level. Thinks its pretty and has picked out specific clams which is her favorite livestock. (Gabby, She even chose which of the two rainbow montis to buy at barrier)

We have been frugal our entire live so it is nice to spend a little money on a positive experience: propogation and dissemination of coral reef livestock.

She once told a local native that she got a large attractive clam for her husband. The reply after a long pause... "Good trade"
Ahhh sneaking livestock into the house. I guess that about says it all right there. But at least that is easier in the new house. Before I had a long walk from the condo parking lot and up the stairs. Now I pull into the garage and the tank is in the downstairs near the garage. I have a few things I am waiting for a "where did that come from". It is a good yin-yang relationship though as my tank was overstocked. Luckily I got that 2nd tank set up 10 days ago and I am just waiting for it to finish cycling.
This is turning into a good Thread. I was just trying to bring a fun Thread in the house.
ty everyone who has and will post on hear.

Well it has only been a year on this obsession but the fact that the tank is located smack in the middle of the room between the family room and kitchen means I am not really 'away' working on the tank... at least that is my story. This gives her the ability to talk to me during dinner prep and and TV watching but I sometimes get caught not listening.

Seriously she is happy with my obsession as she calls it and is enjoying the fruits of my labor. We don't talk about $$$.
she says "IF you spend another penny on that tank Im gone"


quote and quote.... shes j/k tho.. she has her own tank... (that i have to maintain)

shes cool with it.... as long as i dont go off the deep end.... (which i do from time to time)
My g/f likes the hobby and even has a tank of her own. what she doesn't like is when I get home from work and say hello to my fish before I acknowledge her
I learned early, that anything I buy for my tank is always "about $20". I'm sure she knows better, since that is ALWAYS the answer I give her when asked... but as long as I notice when she gets her hair cut, or nails done... all is good! :D :p :D
Well, for my Xmas present my wife did give me the OK to get my 370 gallon tank that is being built. So, I am not going to talk negatively about her. Although, she does say I talk too much when I go to the LFS. :D
