What fish should I get?

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Nov 11, 2007
I'm tryin to figure out what fish I should get for my 50g(24x26x18).
I would like an interesting grouping reef fish.
My idea was to have 3 sunburst anthias with lots of swimming room with dragonface pipes and after some time get a frozen eating mandarin.

But I do realize 50g would be set up so the anthias have lots a room! I'm still tryin to figure out some other fish instead but havent come up with anything interesting.
I was also lookin into dwarf angel pairs but have heard a lot of bad about them.

any suggestions, I'm open.
already have two but thanks for the suggestion.

keep it going! my brain is failing me soI gotta borrow yours;)
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you should get a fairy wrasse make sure they dont just eat copepods and that they eat other food so you dont have a competitor for your mandarin
I currently have 4 lyretail anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis), one male and three females in a 120g. I'm thinking about adding another handful of females. They're awesome fish with their constant activity and schooling. Much flashier than the core staple, the chromis. Granted, they're also a whole lot more expensive than the chromis, as well.

I'm also a fan of the common "Bar Goby" (also called Zebra Dartfish). Schooling, mobile, unusual colors. As for the bangaii cardinal.. make sure you find captive bred (ORRA, for example). Wild caught are building a reputation for not surviving long in captivity. You'll pay a little more for the captive bred, but "it's the right thing to do."
you should get a fairy wrasse make sure they dont just eat copepods and that they eat other food so you dont have a competitor for your mandarin

Fairy wrasses and Anthias tend strongly to squabble in smaller tanks...

As far as dwarf angel pairs, a 50 gallon is a little small for a pair of dwarf angels. One would be fine though. You should be able to get away with a pair of pygmy angels if you can find a pair....

i love flasher wrasses :D , carpenter's flasher wrasse is one of my favorites hehe, right now i got a long fin flasher i believe and she's the kewlest one :) .
How about a school of banggai cardinals?

I'm sorry to disagree with you, but as a request of my wife, we got a Bangai Cardinal, and I have to tell you that is about the most boring fish around! Most of the time it just sits there not swimming about the tank like all my other fish, I couldn't imagine a whole school of that in my tank!!

I'm sorry to disagree with you, but as a request of my wife, we got a Bangai Cardinal, and I have to tell you that is about the most boring fish around! Most of the time it just sits there not swimming about the tank like all my other fish, I couldn't imagine a whole school of that in my tank!!

go teach them a trick dood :lol:
haha, they do tend to just hang around!

Nick- I thought one of the species would be ok. still looking for more ideas though.
oh yeh, which ones are the pygmy angels?
Whats the max of fish I could put into the tank? was thinking- group of the long spine cardinals(if thats the name), My two dragon pipes, and a midnight angel. what do you think?
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Picking this thread back up with a few new ideas. I was thinking in the terms of a group of nice damsels but I dont know if I want an aggressive tank!
This are the ones I was looking at:

This one looks interesting but I dont really know anything about them:

Any feedback?
Are you adding your current fish? 2 black clowns, a pipefish, 3 or 4 lyretail anthias, flameback angel, fairy or flasher wrasse, I would go with an exquisite wrasse. It also depends on what kinda skimmer you're going to use. If you have a big skimmer you would be able to add more fish.
yeah the pipefish got killed by a hungry hermit! it was really quite sad! I'm running the aquaC remora back pack. I dont know. I'll see when I get there.