what is it here,,,

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
Sammamish, wa USA
i found them from the last wild colony i bought,dip in iodine blast them of with turkey blast here they are still swimming and crawing,anybody know what it is,,i am i processing of pest control.


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Those are AEFW. I would remove the coral imediatley and inspect for eggs. They are on there somewhere, and there may be more then one.
Do AEFWs normally host on monti caps? I got a frag from Dang at the frag swap and I had about 15-20 of these come off the coral when I dipped it. I didn't see any eggs after a good inspection so I put it in the tank.

I was under the impression that AEFWs wouldn't even touch montis.
Well, IMO they are definately a FW of some sort. Its hard to tell from a pic but at first glance. Id say yes, AEFW if they came off an acro or mille.
About 2 months ago I saw that my blue millie was losing its color and polyp extension was geting shorter. After reading Treehuggers thread about Melafix treating RB and AEFW. I went out and bought a bottle of Melafix and treated the Millie in question. What do you know I kid you not just on that coral itself there were hundreds of them that jumped off the millie after just 30 seconds of dipping it. I let it sit in the melafix dip for 20 mins. So I procedded to treat a monti and they were on there also. I now have dipped every single one of my corals most had them. So that leads me to beleive that they will attack just about any hard corals. I did notice that the SPS with super hairy long polyps was not infected at all it was just most of the stuff that had really short poyps. I did those dips about 1 and half month ago and I have randomly dipped corals in melafix since just to see if the AEFW would be back on the corals but I have not seen any since (keeping my fingers crossed).
When I was dealing with AEFW's, I removed only acros from my tank, leaving behind several Montis, (Digi's and Caps). Seritiporas, Stylophora's and Pocilliapora's.....
Wound up losing my acros to the treatment, (Not melaflix or fluke tabs), and have since restocked w/ acros. No new infestation. Cant confirm those are AEFW's, but they sure look like it. I'm confident that AEFW's dont eat sps other than acros.
