What is this?

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Oct 28, 2008
auburn, wa
I don't know much about coral yet, so I have no clue what this is, but it is literally ALL over my tank! is it good or bad? and, WHAT is it?
Majano anemones. A few like them, most hate them as they spread out of controll and sting corals. Buy some Joes juice and follow instructions or squirt some boiling water into each mouth with a hypo or turkey baster. Works great
wow, they are already all over my tank. do I have to get rid of every single one to stop them from spreading? they are growing on live rock and on the glass, just everywhere! one more question, where did they come from? I have two small RBTAs (at least i think they are RBTA) is it from them?
Depending on what else you have in your tank you may try a racoon butterfly or a copperband butterfly. These fish will sometimes eat the glass anemonies, maybe they would eat these type also. Any one else have any experience in this department? However they may turn to other soft corals and eat the things you want to keep. I know of a person that bought a racoon butterfly for a aptasia problem. The butterfly cleaned it up nice, however it died when it ran out of aptasia to eat. Have a friend ( maybe a new one ) that has a problem and share the fish, or try to get it to eat something else besides the problem corals....
I did just recently get some live rock from someone and they were on it. at first, i thought it was pretty cool cause I didn't know what they are. How do I get the number to go down before it goes up even more? Do I need to scrape them off? help!
Dont Scrape them..get some Jones Juice and sqiurt each and every one that you can see!!Do it soon or they will over-run your tank...You can beat them...We had to!
Joes Juice. It's a liquid that's similar to Kalk Paste, which also would work and be cheaper. You can find Joe's Juice at most Saltwater specialized LFS, or online. There's a new product out called Aiptasia X that works VERY well. Recently had a majano outbreak of our own and used it. Killed all of them but 2 with a single does. The 2 that survived needed a second dose.