What is your alkalinity and calcium levels?

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SueT must be using Oceanic salt. I use Instant Ocean, so it's naturally very high in alkalinity and depressing low in calcium. I also use a reactor, and because the alk and calcium are so poorly mismatched, I tend to run my alk around 12-12.5 and calcium around 375ppm. I've started dosing calcium to bring things back into balance. I've also considered doing the Oceanic/IO mix. Magnesium tends to run around 1400ppm.

Actually we use Instant Ocean. Always have, always will. My alk runs fairly steady ay 9.3 and I don't supplement it at all besides the kalk drip.
Have you tried Reef Crystals (RC) by Instant Ocean? I bought RC and like it real well. Keeps Mg and Iodine at nearly perfect levels for my reef tank. My reactor keeps calcium and alk in good shape. However, I have to watch the alk because it want to creep up. I'm guessing there is a good amount of alk in RC. I can't get the RC at my LFS, so I mail order it from Foster/Smith. I can get it cheaper there, with shipping, than I can get it at my LFS if they carried it. So far, RC is my first choice.

Now to my original question of Calcium and Alk levels. I have the question posted on a couple of forums. Regarding Alk, answers have ranged from 8 - 12.5 dKH, the majority around 10. Regarding Ca, everyone seems to be running between 425-450. The highest being 550. I know the guy that is running 12.5 dKH and 550 Ca. He have massive coral growth. He tank is outrageously cool. Anyway, that is the report for now.
Wow, those numbers are both high... Ask him what his average pH is. It would have to be relatively low, or he'd be flirting with calcium precipitation events at all times, if he hasn't had one already.
Sherman - I agree, but I know a couple of guys around here that run their calcium that high and have no problems. I have a good friend that has had his at 600 without calcium saturation. My dKH was up to 12-12.5 and I am lowering it now. Yesterday it was down to 11.5. Why do you keep yours so high? My calcium is around 425-450 and Mag at 3X calcium. I think the Instant Ocean Reef Crystals wants to keep my Alk higher. I may have to give in and let it do it. By the way, I looked at your pictures -- very nice. Wish you had a picture of your whole tank. Would love to see what it looks like. Thanks PS-I'll ask about the PH and let you know.
I've seen either calcium OR alkalinity high, but never both at such extremes, without issues. That was my surprise. I use Instant Ocean, and I understand it's the same with Reef Crystals... they're very high in alkalinity. I control my tank's levels with a calcium reactor, and I find that if I keep alkalinity around 10dKh, then calcium can be as low as 350ppm. By bumping the alkalinity up to 12-12.5dKh, I'm able to get calcium up into the 400ppm area. So that's my reasoning. A better solution would be to dose calcium alone, and get it up to where it needs to be.

For a full tank shot, follow the link in my signature, and there are full tank shots in there, especially toward the end of the thread.. look at page 14 for the last FTS. And thanks for the compliment!
Please, find me a study that proves that anything above 10dkh and 450calcium is beneficial. Or that 9dkh and 420 calcium is any worse then 10dkh 450 calcium. Just one study, please find it =P
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The article is all about the target zone for alk and calcium. Notice that their is no suggestion for pushing alk and calcium to the max. In fact, having alk and calc above 4mql and 450 calcium is considered a problem(zone 1).

If your reading a calcium level of 450+ there are one of two things occuring.
A)Your getting a false reading. Most test kits are off by some margin, even the good ones(salifert).
B)Your dangerously close to, if not in the area, where you are percipitating calcium out of the water and onto your equipment and bare surfaces. Sure maybe you can keep yourself in this area, but it is of no benefit. All your doing is increasing chances of equipment failure and wasting supplement. The coral will not grow faster.
