What size do you think is best???

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2005
Ok everyone (especially you big tank people). What size tank is your dream tank? I know people with 180s and I know people with 300s. Knowing what you all know now...what size would you go with if you could do it all over again and money wasn't the issue? I'm really just interested in tank size here...not accessories or other options.
Depth. It's all about front to back depth. 48" front to back. Then tack on about 26" height, and go as long as you'd like. Call it 8' (96") for ease. That makes 518g.

For me, with the 12" deep tank, it's all about depth. Oh, I wish.
I have a 240 cycling now-8'x2'x2'

But I would LOVE A 10'x4'x4'.....or better yet, I'd turn half the bsmt into an aquarium:D
Well space is always a consideration...but not the primary one.
My dream tank would be shallow enough I can reach to the bottom easily, and my light wont all be wasted on warming water.

It would be low enough to the ground that I could reach around in it without needing a stool or chair.

It would have a width narrow enough that I could reach clear to the back of it without needing tools or getting my shoulder wet.

The legnth would just be something ideally in 4foot incriments so I could light it easily. Perhaps my dream tank would be 12ft-16ft by 1.5ftx1.5ft.
I got to agree with Sherman, its all about the front to back so at least 3 feet. Having that depth for aquascaping just makes a tank. The rest of the measurements are for where it may fit.

i agree, ample front to back space is critical to achieve great looking (and usuable for the fish) aquascaping. but after being in a 72 bow for a few years, i've come to the opinion that 24" front to back would be great for me. 24" also makes a decent height. time and budget probably play an important roll in "ideal tank size". i've always thaought that for me, anything over a 150 is probably to big. 120 (48x24x24) or 150 (60x24x24) seems just about right for the things that i want in a reef.
I really like the look of a 72" long tank. So the only real question for me is how tall, and how wide (front to back)? so the general consensus is the front to back measurement is the most critical for aquascaping. What about depth for lighting considerations? Is there a depth that is too shallow?
well, you've got to figure that "too shallow" is going to depend on what you're keeping in the aquarium and what type of lighting you want to use. if you are just bound and determined to use a stack of normal output flourescents (which most of us don't), then the issue might be more a matter of "too deep". i can't myself imagine having any real use for more than about 26" depth (that's just me) and about 18" seems to be just about bordering on too shallow.
144''long 36''Deep 30''Tall, 673gal, starfire front glass in wall. Man it would go grate in my entry way. One day when my wife lets me rip apart the house it will be so.
Well...Ever since I've seen Todd's tank (disturbedreefer) I've grown to love a nice sized cube. My dream tank would be something I could walk around sort of like this tank http://oregonreef.com/sub_tank.htm. This one isn't setup to walk around, but love the depth front to back:)
So the 24-26 inch range in height sounds pretty much accepted by most of us.
Anything much over 24" would be very difficult to reach the bottom without taking a swim, at least with my arms. That's why I would like a 2' depth and 2' height. Of course the tanks that are like 4 feet deep look really cool, just not practical IMO.
If money weren't an option..I'd say at least 300g..with the 2-3ft width for fish room and rockwork and 24" deep..cause Im short lol :)

Someday when I win the lottery, I'll be able to have a tank that big and the money for a "tank" man..someone to come and do all the maintenance on the tank...so I can just enjoy the tank lol

Go as Big as you can afford :) But as tall as you can reach is best imo :)