What to feed Anemones and Seafood Eatin' Corals?

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2005
Kent, Washington
Howdy all at Reef Frontiers,

A question for you RF people familiar with the RBTA's, all anemones, and perhaps even corals that are fed ground up seafood. I have been feeding my rbta's shredded scallops, tiny bits of shrimp, etc... But, I happen to sell seafood on the side and why couldn't I just use small shreds of my Yellowfin Tuna, Mahi Mahi, halibut cheeks, salmon, Rockfish, etc.....??? I would appreciate hearing why I have been spending $5+ a lb for their meals when I sell Tuna, Mahi, Halibut, Salmon for like $2.50 a lb to the seafood eatin' public. Do you think the anemones would like ground up salmon, etc...??? I can't figure why not. I was thinking to grind it up and soak it in selcon and they can have a seafood feast....smile. Maybe I could make a mix of a couple types of fish/Squid/Octopus, soaked in Selcon and market this.... Let me know if that concept would be popular?

Have a Great Weekend!!

actually, that's what a lot of people do. i don't know about the salmon (higher mercury levels), but the seafood isle at the grocery store, or fishermans wharf are a less expensive alternative. there's a thread on here from quite a while back where people discuss what they put into their slurries to feed the critters.