What would you like to see in the PSAS?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Ed Hahn

Life is A Highway...
Jan 27, 2004
Kennewick, Wa
. What would you like to see in PSAS? You want to make everyone happy, but you can not do it without feed back. I am asking you to pm one of the members or me if you do not want to do this in the forum, thats fine. Its not negative feed back, its constructive criticism. I think we all want to know your interest in the hobby. What you would like to see.
Thanks in Advance,
I like the frag swaps as does everyone. we just need people to get more active online. I wish there was more traffic in this forum. I like the Idea of having meetings at stores.
Thanks, please keep em coming..

awesome ideas, At the last meeting a Vendor offered a 30 percent discount to people at the meeting that night. Promotions like that introduce people to products. Its a win/win situation. We buy from Vendor, Vendor gets more positive feed back and more clients. We also learn how his system is set up to house animals.
But what type of frags? I heard someone asking for Softies and LPS. I am hoping that person(or People) will chime in.
You are right some people do not do forums, but look forward to getting together. How would you get the word out that there are we are here, We enjoy learning as a group, How would you let people know that we are all alike sharing the same hobby. That its a friendly environment for all.
That you are wanting to trade corals with others, I have witnessed trades being processed at the meetings . PSAS is working on bringing in available Guest Speakers, and making it fun for all.
Increasing traffic to the main webpage and then linking them here, or even starting a private forum on the webpage would help I think. At present people have no reason to use the psas website. A good start would be to make it a little more appealing in the visual department, and also give it some more utility so that people actually have a reason to use it and spread it around. You would also need to find someone dedicated to update it on a regular basis.

A dedicated forum for club trading would be a good start, or even just a list of people who have a certain coral that they frag for others on occasion so people know who to talk to and whats avialiable within the club.

Another idea would be to have someone video tape meetings and then host videos of them on the website for the members who could not attend, or run a torrent tracker if bandwidth is an issue.

There are a lot of little things you can do on a website to make it something people bookmark and visit often. It can also work as enticement to get new members. I am not a member yet, but I figured you would'nt mind the input.
More Babes at Meetings...noted.

szidls said:
:D Swedish Bikini Team :D
I looked it up. I think the closest thing possible is Hooters. Maybe we can get a group discount by going there before meetings? Maybe we can get one of them to wear a PSAS T shirt. I am working it here. ;)
Paul those are great ideas and the club has struggled for a number of years to find anyone with enough time to update the site we have. We're hoping Josh who recently came on board to be our computer guru will have time to do some of those things..... those are great ideas though and I hope we can put them to use this year.
More communication..

:) More visualization, so people know in PSAS what is available, and what it has to offer.
Paulc79 said:
Increasing traffic to the main webpage and then linking them here, or even starting a private forum on the webpage would help I think. At present people have no reason to use the psas website. A good start would be to make it a little more appealing in the visual department, and also give it some more utility so that people actually have a reason to use it and spread it around. You would also need to find someone dedicated to update it on a regular basis.

A dedicated forum for club trading would be a good start, or even just a list of people who have a certain coral that they frag for others on occasion so people know who to talk to and whats avialiable within the club.

Another idea would be to have someone video tape meetings and then host videos of them on the website for the members who could not attend, or run a torrent tracker if bandwidth is an issue.

There are a lot of little things you can do on a website to make it something people bookmark and visit often. It can also work as enticement to get new members. I am not a member yet, but I figured you would'nt mind the input.
OK we have talked about this before but the DIY workshop........
powerhead mods
filters, phosban- media
other idea's people?
We keep looking for someone to do a DIY..... so if you think of someone let me know and I will harass them. I've harassed/begged several already. We are still looking.

We are still planning on a zeovit meeting this fall......
I am working on a powerhead mod that is very simple. If I finish it and it works then we can do one.
I am not sure this fits but maybe a flow meter for the club? It's just a thought and I don't know how pratical it would be .
So i think because all of these stores want to host meetings we should get a formal signup list with the amount they can hold. so It will be fair to others.

Does anyone know if the new store in tacoma opened.

Frag Swap would be great to happen.
Hey check out our DIY forum at www.pnwmas.org we have a guy (Impur) who is making the MJ mods and has made a link with alot of pictures. You should be able to follow it quite easily and try it your self.

You are all welcome to come hang out and chat with us on www.pnwmas.org maybe we'll see you there.
since at some point this hobby gets into the DIY realm out of neccesity any help in that area would probably go over well.
I would love to have the club sponsor signups for "PSAS social group" lists.

Like maybe have people sign up and then they are randomly grouped together into groups of 4-5 people based on on geographic area. Less than 45min drive is good idea.

Then over the course of the year, the group is supposed to take turns hosting a little get together at their reef for the other people in the group. By the end of the year, you have met those people several times and seen everyone's tank.

Once every 4-6 weeks for a couple hours isn't much time commitment and it would be a great way to see how other people run their tanks. You can't really do that in the big group meetings.
a way to partner with someone you trust as a support system. People often buddy up with people they trust to maintain their aquarium when they are out of town. A housekeeper calls person if they suspect a problem with tank. A back up buddy visits with housekeeper and gives his oppinion of fixing problem. They call you and you make a judgement, Back up buddy does what you offer or he uses his judgement to fix problem.
If I understand you right, you want other people to visit and give their oppinions on your system and then visit them and compare notes, or someone to go store shopping with you with experience.
That is an awesome Idea. we are getting to big for tank tours so this would be a great way to get out and see other people's tanks. I like that Idea.
  1. I would love to have an avid diver come out and talk about scuba diving, show some pics of different dives and talk a little about the similarities and differences between what you see in the ocean vs. the tank.
  2. Someone to talk about aquascaping.
  3. pest control
  4. fish only tanks
  5. a night about flow options for high flow tanks (i.e. seaswirl, oceans motions, mbv, etc.)
  6. maintaining Ca, Alk, & Mg (kalk, Ca reactors, two part, DIY two part, etc.)
  7. biotope tanks (reef crest, lagoon, cold water, anomone)