What's something cool I can put in my 300 gallon sump?

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here is a blurry pic of the sump with a sandbed and the ct

occy would be of u can put black mesh around the top aslong as the occy cant reach the top they can pull them self out they cant grab the mesh so its really effective
I like the clown trigger, clown tang? maybe a group of yellow tangs. a small sting ray. would be fun but would have to be fed. Nautilus.



Shark would put a too big of a strain on my bioload but cool idea nonetheless. problem is all the cool sharks that are interesting to watch get too big for our tanks and the small ones are boring (imo).

the boxfish is awesome! but I just stressed for the past few months about my huge pink cucumber in my sump that at any moment could have killed all my inhabitants with toxins, so I finally put him in his own tank so i don't that stress again with a boxfish.
do stingrays available in the hobby act similar to the ones that you can feed and touch at SeaWorld in Florida?
yes they do . you can feed them. but you also do have to trim the stinger every so often. But keep in mind they eat like sharks so they will up the bioload.

I thought about anglers and others. but cost of a cool color and with different things like scorpionfish that I wouldn't want to reach in and work on the sump.
man this is tougher then I thought.
I'm thinking some kind of cool invertebrate instead of more fish. I already got tons of fish so I was hoping something unusual in the sump. Maybe an arrow crab...those are definately awesome.