What's the best Skimmer?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Good luck with this question, lol. Somone will come on this thread and ask you what your bioload will be and lots of other trivial things, but my searchin for the best for your money skimmer at that size is goin to be the ASM G-5, The reason i say this is because my experts will tell you its either EuroReef, ASM, or Deltec for top quality skimmer, ER is more than ASM but pretty much the same thing, so i decided to go with the ASM brand, while doin my research i found that the G-4 which is right about the size you will want, needs to be mod'd and needs a bigger pump (sedra 9000 ideally), my question is why would i want to spend $400+ just so i can mod a skimmer? So i will be goin with the G5.... Just my personal experienc, hope it helps or atleast saves you some time!

Good Pricin and Sponsor.....

More info on ASM skimmers and the G4....

I am really digging my ASM G-3. It is awesome. Great price, great skimmer so far. I do wish it had a groovy logo machined into it, since everybody that comes to the house if forced to look at my skimmer. They are busy trying to look at the tank, and I am showing off the skimmer. I think thats a sign I may be addicted. LOL Steve
It would be nice if someone would make one from the workshop thread. I haven't seen any particular one stand out to be the best out there, there are several which can perform really well.
ETSS 800 with an Iwaki 40 RLT would be awsome, and you get what you pay for...
That would only be right, wouldn't it ?
That way you can say you have an IAP system :) Guess you're going to have to buy a sump from them too.
I have a IAP skimmer. They custom made it for me and it is awsome. They are local so if you have any type of problem no shipping to worry about and they are long time sponsors who are great guys. here is a pic. Dave


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