What's up with Dang?

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I hear ya there. Some folks won't let a dead dog lie tho.

So just ignore them........so like if someone is writing irritating threads about you and you don;t read them....do they really exsist?:badgrin::lol:

So with that......Can we all just get along?
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So just ignore them........so like if someone is writing irritating threads about you and you don;t read them....do they really exsist?:badgrin::lol:

So with that......Can we all just get along?

If a tree falls in the forest......................................

I agree, I would love to be able to get along.
like i said before in the other thread, Dang is a great guy and he has helped me a ton for the little time ive known him, its almost like someone died but then i jsut have to remind myself hes less than 5 miles away :D but seriously idk what happened but dang come back!
Dang don't be that way man! You know don't let people get to you. You do have some nice corals in your care and you are not afraid to pay to get those corals that are seldom seen and rare to the hobby. I too beleive if you want the nicest or the best thing out there you will have to pony up the cash for it. Yes there are people out there that beleives that you should share what you have for a fraction of what you got it for, but those people gotta realize if you want something that bad that is not readily avaiable and in high demand you know there would be a higher price tag on them just like eveything else in this commercial world of ours. So cheer up buddy!!!! Life goes on.
Well, this is a big fat bummer.

Now here this: I have red bugs and I take full responsibility for having them because I did not dip all incoming frags with interceptor.

I have also sold a few frags to other reefers and have told them about the red bugs so they can treat them.

I am one of the people who is hesitant to treat my tank due to my numerous shrimp, crabs, and pods that my pipefish are dependent on for their food. I may treat later but I haven't done it yet....

Dang, I am not defending anyone on that other thread but things like that thread have happened on every forum of any type that I have ever participated on. Just as if you participate in frag trading, red bugs can happen, if you participate in online forums, flames can happen. It's the nature of the beast.

Please don't stay away. :cry:
Jan, ditto.

Me thinks the problem rests on other private issues behind the scenes. I consider each person on that discussion a friend. Each needs a time out to catch a breath, and come back getting past the disagreements. In the big picture, none of the arguments are over much at all.

Rule #1 Don't sweat the little stuff
Rule #2 It's all little stuff

With all the dozens of coral I have gotten from so many people, who the heck knows what is in my tank. All the corals are growing like crazy and very colorful. Some day need to get a good camera and see what is on them. My magnification glass isn't powerful enough to see any. There or not? Probably...