whats ur water flow turn over?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
vancouver wa
I just thought I would start a new thread on water flow and see who has the most GPH per gallon.
Here goes mine:
115 gallon cube (30x30x30)
4500 GPH closed loop
900 gph return through two sea swirls.
and 2- 850 gph korillia power heads.
Total flow EST: 7100 GPH
Total estimated turnover per hour: 62 times per hr.

Hope to see some others respond here....

AGA 120, mag 18 return pump, Sequence barracuda 4500GPH on a CL
After head loss and pipe friction I could only guess that I have about 5000GPH at 41x turnover
ok i'll play
2x 1262 return pumps = 1800 gph
2x tunze 6100's = @ 3170x2gph
2x darts @ 3600 =7200gph
tank is a 270 so

but when the tunzes were on my 40b with a mag 9 return pump and a mag 5

@125x turnover ...lol
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20H AGA tank
Sump Return Pump = 300 gph
2x Koralia 1's = 800

1100 gph / by 20 = 55x
i dont know how to figure that out,

but one tunzenano 6020
one Mj1200
one mag7
(does the mj1200 for the skimmer count?)

30g 36x12x16

oh ok
=1665/30= 55.5

give of take a foot and half head. lose
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I'm gonna throw a little monkey wrench into the discussion and say that turbulent flow created by power heads or a closed loop system does not constitute tank turnover. Only tank water that is removed completely from the main tank via an overflow or pumped out of the tank and ran through a secondary filtration system like a sump, refugium, or wet dry or a combination thereof, then returned back to the main tank can be used in the tank turnover calculation.
I'm gonna throw a little monkey wrench into the discussion and say that turbulent flow created by power heads or a closed loop system does not constitute tank turnover. Only tank water that is removed completely from the main tank via an overflow or pumped out of the tank and ran through a secondary filtration system like a sump, refugium, or wet dry or a combination thereof, then returned back to the main tank can be used in the tank turnover calculation.

Ok then I have 0x turnover...:lol:
I'm gonna throw a little monkey wrench into the discussion and say that turbulent flow created by power heads or a closed loop system does not constitute tank turnover. Only tank water that is removed completely from the main tank via an overflow or pumped out of the tank and ran through a secondary filtration system like a sump, refugium, or wet dry or a combination thereof, then returned back to the main tank can be used in the tank turnover calculation.

I disagree,
water flow turn over has absolutly nothing to do with filtration. it is solely to do with how long it takes for 100% of your water to be displaced. in otherwords my tank totally displaces all 115 gallons of water in just under one minute. (7100 gph / 115gallons = 61.8 times per hour)
I'm gonna throw a little monkey wrench into the discussion and say that turbulent flow created by power heads or a closed loop system does not constitute tank turnover.
Doesnt' taking the water from the bottom of the display tank and displacing it with water from the top count as turning it over? As in flipping the water like a pancake. Where in the dictionary of reef tanks does it say that the water has to leave the display tank and enter a foreign body to count as true turnover. I dont think your monkey wrench holds water.:p
150 gallon tank with a 8500GPH CL and 1500GPH in returns. So about 67 times per hr.
My pervious tank had about 24 times turnover and I never had a problem. IMO turnover does not mean the water has to leave the tank.
I'm gonna throw a little monkey wrench into the discussion and say that turbulent flow created by power heads or a closed loop system does not constitute tank turnover. Only tank water that is removed completely from the main tank via an overflow or pumped out of the tank and ran through a secondary filtration system like a sump, refugium, or wet dry or a combination thereof, then returned back to the main tank can be used in the tank turnover calculation.

I disagree,
water flow turn over has absolutly nothing to do with filtration. it is solely to do with how long it takes for 100% of your water to be displaced...

Matt. I agree, to a degree.:p

I alluded to "secondary filtration" to include a sump and a refugium which are not typically considered a "filter" per say so yes "filtration" by the technical meaning has nothing to do with turnover.

Nuanced interpretations I would postulate. Turnover. Turbulence. Flow. Circulation. Displacement. Subtle differences. Yet different indeed...

PS. You still have that huge rock I sold you a few years ago?
Doesnt' taking the water from the bottom of the display tank and displacing it with water from the top count as turning it over? As in flipping the water like a pancake. Where in the dictionary of reef tanks does it say that the water has to leave the display tank and enter a foreign body to count as true turnover. I dont think your monkey wrench holds water.:p

Over the years I've seen and heard folks consider turbulent flow and or displacement as turn over and I can see how one could draw that conclusion. I however do not subscribe to that line of thinking. Displacement is nothing more than moving water around as in your pancake analogy. But even with your pancake analogy the top of the pancake is not cooked until it hits the pan so it's a completely new condition. Unlike water flowing around from one area to another. Flow is yet another way if merely moving water around. IMO, turbulence is nothing more than the commotion or upheaval of the water caused by flow or displacement.

You ask a great question though when you ask, "where in the dictionary of reef tanks does it say that the water has to leave the display tank and enter a foreign body to count as true turnover." Honestly, I don't know. I think I read it many years ago when I was a much younger man...:)

But that got me thinking....Where does it say in that dictionary that turbulence and flow constitute tank turnover? Maybe my memory is failing and I need to rethink this whole turnover thingy...It would increase my numbers but I don't think I'd be comfortable with them...I dunno...:D
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Those are both great reads on turbulent flow. Thanks!

This quote is a great one from the second link which desribes our inability to delve beyond the common wisdom of current tenents...

The reef aquarium hobby has a long way to go before our understanding of water flow catches up with what we know about reef aquarium lighting. Like the “Watts per Gallon” moniker that came before it, the use of “turnover rate” to describe water movement continues to cripple the progress of more advanced water movement techniques.

I love this hobby. Changing. Evolving. The best thing about it is the diversity of thought that produces such dynamic growth. Who knows what the future holds...